Decoding - Samenvattingen en Aantekeningen
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Summary of all Articles - Sociological Theory 2 2025 (BY)
- Samenvatting • 16 pagina's • 2025
- €7,99
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This document is a summary of all the articles discussed in the course Sociological Theory 2 in 2025 at the University of Amsterdam. It consists of the main points and important elements of these texts: 
Thompson, E. (1967). Time, Work-discipline, and Industrial Capitalism. Past and Present, 38(1), 56-97. Sections II, V, VII and VIII. 
Karl Marx (1849). Wage-Labor and Capital, edited/translated by Frederick Engels. 
Tithi Bhattacharya, How Not To Skip Class: social reproduction of labor ...

Samenvatting Communicatiewetenschappen
- Samenvatting • 161 pagina's • 2023
- €12,49
- 2x verkocht
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Volledige (!!) samenvatting Communicatiewetenschappen 
Lesnotities + ppt + boek 
Boek: Communicatiewetenschappen in perspectief (Stijn Joye en Jan Loisen)

Summary Changing Businesses Strategically
- Samenvatting • 35 pagina's • 2022
- €11,49
- 16x verkocht
- + meer info
This summary is written for the RSM MSc Strategic Management course CBS academic year 2022/2023. It includes content on all theory sessions, videos, and literature. Note: the cases and skills sessions are not summarised in here. 
Sull DN. 1999. Why good companies go bad. Harvard Business Review 77(4): 42-+. 
Kapoor R, Klueter T. 2015. Decoding the Adaptability–Rigidity Puzzle: Evidence from Pharmaceutical Incumbents’ Pursuit of Gene Therapy and Monoclonal Antibodies. Academy ...
A summary for the course brain imaging, MSc AI.
Clearly and concisely organized and revised lecture notes of the first year BA course of International Studies; first 6 lectures only

Summary - Cultural Studies
- Samenvatting • 29 pagina's • 2024
- €6,00
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Concepts and persons described. , , Ideology, Hegemony, Globalization, Language, Parole, Semiotics, Structuralism, Signifier, Signified, Cultural codes, Denotation, Connotation, Poststructuralism, Discourse, Archeology, Genealogy, Television, News, The manipulative model, The pluralist model, The hegemonic model, The dominant-hegemonic encoding/decoding, Negotiated code, An oppositional code, Active audience paradigm, Youth, Subculture, Homologies, Bricolage, Subjectivity, Identity, Essentialism...

Changing Business Strategically - Summary
- Samenvatting • 20 pagina's • 2022
- €3,99
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This summary approaches how to adapt and survive change within the technological, relational and psycological dimension. It adresses themes as inertia, business inovation, strategic alliances, open inovation, transformational leadership, and much more. Here, you will find a content summary of all theory lectures, videos and mandatory literature. Sull DN. 1999. Why good companies go bad. Harvard Business Review 77(4): 42-+. Kapoor R, Klueter T. 2015. Decoding the Adaptability–Rigidity Puzzle: ...
Compleet uitgewerkte samenvatting kennisclips en college 1 tm 21

Samenvatting literatuur hoorcollege 7 Leren Op School (LOS) UvA
- Samenvatting • 4 pagina's • 2024
Ook in voordeelbundel
- €2,99
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Samenvatting van de literatuur die we moeten lezen voor hoorcollege 7 van Leren Op School. Engelse literatuur is in het Engels samengevat. 
- Learning to read words: Findings, theories, and issues. – Ehri (2005) 
- Breaking the reading code: Letter knowledge when children break the reading code the first year in school. – Sigmundsson et al. (2020) 
- Enhancing alphabet knowledge instruction: Research implications and practical strategies for early childhood educators. – Jone...

Samenvatting literatuur hoorcollege 8 Leren Op School (LOS) UvA
- Samenvatting • 4 pagina's • 2024
Ook in voordeelbundel
- €2,99
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Samenvatting van de literatuur die we moeten lezen voor hoorcollege 8 van Leren Op School. Engelse literatuur is in het Engels samengevat. 
- The Simple View of Reading: Is it valid for different types of alphabetic orthographies? – Florit & Cain (2011) 
- Children’s reading comprehension ability: Concurrent prediction by working memory, verbal ability, and component skills. – Cain, Oakhill & Bryant (2004) 
- The simple view of second language reading throughout the primary...

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