Foreign policy - Samenvattingen en Aantekeningen
Op zoek naar een samenvatting over Foreign policy? Op deze pagina vind je 55 samenvattingen over Foreign policy.
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The European Union Series-The Foreign Policy of the European Union
Stephan Keukeleire, Tom Delreux
1 documenten
American Foreign Policy: The Dynamics of Choice in the 21st Century (Fifth Edition)
Bruce W. Jentleson
1 documenten
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Summary European Foreign Policy

Intelligence Revolutions Lecture Notes (Lectures 1-7) - GRADE 7,5
- College aantekeningen • 27 pagina's • 2023
Ook in voordeelbundel
- €8,99
- 12x verkocht
- + meer info
Notes on the lectures from the course (2023) Intelligence Revolutions. INCLUDES notes from lectures 1-7 (Total: 27 pages).

Introduction to Secret Affairs Lecture Notes (Lectures 1-7) - GRADE 7,5
- College aantekeningen • 27 pagina's • 2023
Ook in voordeelbundel
- €9,99
- 16x verkocht
- + meer info
Notes on the lectures from the course (2023) Introduction to Secret Affairs. INCLUDES notes from lectures 1-7 (Total: 27 pages).

Intelligence Revolutions Notes on *SOME* Readings - GRADE 7,5
- Samenvatting • 16 pagina's • 2023
Ook in voordeelbundel
- €13,99
- 16x verkocht
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Summary of *SOME* of the reading materials for the final exam (2023) for Intelligence Revolutions. INCLUDES notes from (Total: 16 pages): 
Daniel Byman’s article (2013) “The Intelligence War on Terrorism” in “Intelligence and National Security”, pp. 837-863. 
Charles Cogan’s article (2004) “Hunters not Gatherers: Intelligence in the Twenty-First Century” in “Intelligence and National Security”, pp. 304-321. 
Richard Aldrich’s article (2021) “From SIGINT to Cyber: A ...

World Politics Class Notes and Reading Summaries (2024) Extensive and Detailed: Part 1/2 including Weeks 1-5
- College aantekeningen • 58 pagina's • 2024 Populair
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €8,66
- 2x verkocht
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A detailed summary of notes from all information from lectures, slides, and class discussion, as well as additional information that provides context and facts about all information on slides. Reading summaries for the assigned readings of each week, as well as takeaways, reflections, and conclusions. 
-- I received a 19/20 on my last oral exam, have an average of 17/20 in my other courses in the program, and am a keen listener in class. -- 
Clear indication of important points and what Hol...

International Development Notes on *SOME* Readings - GRADE 7,5
- Samenvatting • 35 pagina's • 2023
Ook in voordeelbundel
- €10,49
- 10x verkocht
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Summary of *SOME* of the reading materials for the final exam (2023) for International Development. INCLUDES notes from (Total: 35 pages): 
Amartya Sen’s book (1999) “Development as Freedom”, chapters 1 and 2. 
Wolfgang Sachs’ book (2010) “The Development Dictionary”, Introduction. 
Ricardo Hausmann’s journal article (2001) “Prisoners of Geography”, pp. 44-53. 
Michael Ross’ journal article review (1999) “The Political Economy of the Resource Curse”, pp. 297-322. ...
A full summary of all classes including background information

Samenvatting Reader (Teksten)
- Samenvatting • 28 pagina's • 2023
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €4,89
- 7x verkocht
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Samenvatting Reader (Teksten) : Theorieën van de Internationale Relaties 
Politics Among Nations : Hans Morgenthau (Neoklassiek Realisme) 
Future Of Diplomacy : Hans Morgenthau (Neoklassiek Realisme) 
Theory Of International Politics : Kenneth Waltz (Neorealisme) 
Why Iran Should Get The Bomb : Kenneth Waltz (Neorealisme) 
Israel Lobby And Us Foreign Policy : Mearsheimer & Walt 
Two Cheers For Multilateralism : Keohane & Nye (Neoliberaal Institutionalisme) 
European Constitutional Settle...

American Government, SBU, Dr Kwasi questions with correct answers
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 9 pagina's • 2023
Ook in voordeelbundel
- €11,86
- 1x verkocht
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Issue identification: Someone calls to attention the problem that needs government action. 
Agenda setting: Problem is seriously considered by the policymaking institution. 
Policy formation: Deliberation of pros and cons of different courses of actions that may take years to complete. 
Policy adoption: Fight to gain governmental support for policy. 
Policy implementation: Carrying out of the policy through public programs and actions. 
Policy evaluation: Looking at government's actions to see ...

Samenvatting hoorcolleges&boek European Politics and Policy (EUPP) 2022/2023
- Samenvatting • 55 pagina's • 2022
- €19,99
- 11x verkocht
- + meer info
Samenvatting hoorcolleges&boek European Politics and Policy, EUPP. 
M.u.v. gastcollege (7e hoorcollege). 
Boek: European Union Politics, John McCormick, 3e editie. 
Voor een andere studie gebruiken? Deze onderwerpen komen aan bod: 
Week 1: what is the EU and why integrate/differentiate? 
Week 2: Interactions between EU institutions: The Council and the European Parliament 
Week 3: Interactions between EU institutions: The European Commission and the European Court of Justice 
Week 4: Compari...

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