Ball State University
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Latest notes & summaries Ball State University
We talked about the hebrews, the monotheistic area (religion), humanism. We talked a lot about Greece and the culture. We talked about the Iliad and how that became a set of rules. We talked a lot about people who wrote books in Greece and how those set of rules were applied in the books. We talked about the two main areas known in Greece which is Sparta and Athens
We talked a lot about culture for these notes and I chose an Irish culture and took notes on some things I knew but didn't know about the culture as well.
This document talks about Criminology and Criminal law. Talks about the mosaic code and also talks about the origins of the US law.
Basically this is an introduction on what we should know about criminology. The notes talk about criminologists, crime rates, the criminal justice system and the history behind criminology.
These notes help with inquiry questions and how to create good ones. Inquiry questions are basically questions you ask that require research and diving further into what your question means. We also got into a little bit of annotated bibliography.
This document talks about the prehistory. The Paleolithic Era (Old Stone Age) was the start of humanity. The Neolithic Revolution was the start of creating this sort of community and society that we now have today. The notes talk about Mesopotamia and the Sumerians and how they created the first written language. Also talks about the Code of Hammurabi and where it came from.
11.	Which of the following social interactions indicates progression into the normal range, meeting developmental milestones for a 5-year-old? 
A Shares on own 
B Engages in imaginative play 
C Group play; has a preferred friend 
D Has a group of friends, apologizes 
. for errors 
12.	Under hypnosis or during psychotherapy, a patient may recover a memory of a painful experience that is etiologically significant. This is known as which of the following? 
A False memory 
. syndrome...
NUR 6665 Assignment 2 Study Plan
Discussion: Ethical and Legal Foundations of PMHNP Care 
Informed consent remains among the most critical issues in mental health settings. 
Informed consent emphasizes on respect for persons, which relates to the ethical principle of 
autonomy (Bester et al., 2016). According to Bester et al. (2016), consent should be practiced 
with the consideration of other bioethical principles, including beneficence and 
nonmaleficence. The consideration of informed consent may differ between adults and 
Assignment 2: Study Plan 
Comprehensive preparation and planning for the national exam are crucial in improving the 
chances of passing the exam. In preparing the study plan this quarter, a review of the week two results 
will be done. Analyzing the strengths and areas of opportunity will be crucial to ensure proper preparation 
for the national exam. Notably, the review course materials offer a chance to allocate considerable time to 
the areas that require improvement. The purpose of this assi...