RCP 160
Liberty University
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- Exam (elaborations) • 19 pages • 2023
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Patient whom is 40 years old (89kg) with respiratory acidosis and currently on mechanical ventilation. Patient has no history of pulmonary disease. Patient in on VC/CMV, VT 550, RR 17. ABG shows PaCO2 50mm Hg and ph 7.31. Which setting would you adjust first? 
A. Ti 
B. RR 
C. Te 
D. Vt correct answer: Vt 
Acute respiratory acidosis is associated with which of the following? 
A. Parenchymal lung problems 
B. ketoacidosis 
C. biots breathing 
D. gout correct answer: parenchymal lung problems ...
RCP 160 Final Study Guide questions with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 11 pages • 2023
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During mechanical ventilation of a patient with COPD, the PaCO2 = 58 mm Hg and the minute ventilation = 5.5 L/min. The desired PaCO2 for this patient is 45 mm Hg. To what should the minute ventilation be changed? 
6.0 L/min 
6.6 L/min 
7.1 L/min 
8.0 L/min correct answer: C. 
Desired vt= known paco2 x known vt / desired paco2 
A patient with CHF is being mechanically ventilated. The patient's current PaCO2 = 28 mm Hg, and the ventilator set rate is 16 per minute. The des...
RCP 160 Quiz #2 questions with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2023
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Benzodiazepines correct answer: Diazepam 
Diazepam (Valium) correct answer: Onset : 3-5mins 
Peaks 5-30 
Duration >20 hrs 
Midazolam (Versed) correct answer: Onset: 2-3 mins Peaks: 5-10min Duration: 30-120 min 
Lorazepam (Ativan) correct answer: Onset: 5-20 min Peaks: 30 min Duration: 10-20 hr 
Opiods correct answer: Diladud 
Sublimaze correct answer: Fentanyl 
Which is good for renal failure patients? correct answer: Dilaudid 
RCP160 midterm| 163 questions| with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 24 pages • 2023
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12) Patient whom is 40 years old (89kg) with respiratory acidosis and currently on mechanical ventilation. Patient has no history of pulmonary disease. Patient in on VC/CMV, VT 550, RR 17. ABG shows PaCO2 50mm Hg and ph 7.31. Which setting would you adjust first? 
A. Ti 
B. RR 
C. Te 
D. Vt correct answer: Vt 
12) Acute respiratory acidosis is associated with which of the following? 
A. Parenchymal lung problems 
B. ketoacidosis 
C. biots breathing 
D. gout correct answer: parenchymal lung p...
RCP 160 study| 63 questions| with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2023
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Tidal volume breathing correct answer: Facilitates removal of CO2 and replenishes O2 
Alveolar ventilation correct answer: Amount of fresh gas reaching alveoli per minute, determined by tidal volume, dead space and RR 
Compliance correct answer: Higher lung inflates easily, lower lung inflation is difficult 
Surfactant correct answer: Prevents alveolar collapse, inhaling toxins decrease effectiveness 
Restrictive lung diseases correct answer: More pressure needed to meet volume 
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RCP 160 Kahoot review questions with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 8 pages • 2023
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which of the following is not a risk of thoracentesis? 
A. pneumothorax 
B. potential sample contamination of extra-thoracic fluid 
C. intercostal artery laceration 
D. localized infection at the injection site correct answer: B. Potential sample contamination of extra-throacic fluid 
A (V/Q) scan is used to investigate which kind of diagnosis? 
A. pneumothorax 
B. atelectasis 
C. pleural effusion 
D. pulmonary embolism correct answer: D. Pulmonary embolism 
If evaluating for a pulmonary e...
RCP 160 bronchoscopy part 1 questions with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2023
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Therapeutic bronchoscopy is used for correct answer: secretion removal 
- foreign body 
- airway management problems 
-insertion of percutaneous tracheostomy 
when looking into a bronchoscope the cartilagious rings are gonna be correct answer: more anterior and the smooth side is gonna be be more posterior 
Diagnostic bronchoscopy is performed to correct answer: Identify or rule out pathologic conditions tumors, certain disease processes 
Most common diagnostic indication is abnormalit...
RCP 160 midterm| 70 question| with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2023
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- 1x sold
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Which of the following structures will result in the most radiopaque shadow on a CXR 
a. aorta 
b. heart 
c. lungs 
d. ribs correct answer: d. ribs 
Your patient just had an anteroposterior chest film taken. When you view the film, what may be a consideration? correct answer: The heart may appear larger than it really is. 
What is indicated by blunting of the costophrenic angles seen on a PA or lateral CXR? correct answer: Excess pleural fluid 
What chest x-ray view is best used to id...
RCP 160 Quiz 1 questions with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2023
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Radiolucent correct answer: X-rays pass through low density tissue. Cause shadow to turn darker. 
Radiopaque correct answer: X-rays pass through high density tissue. Leave the exposed film lighter. 
Air correct answer: Absorbs x-rays least and results in dark shadow (radiolucent) 
Bone correct answer: Absorbs most x-ray energy and results in white shadow (radiopaque) 
PA view correct answer: Most common way chest x-ray is taken 
Right lateral decubitus correct answer: Lying on ri...
RCP 160 midtermm review questions with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2023
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▪filling pressure of the ventricle and the end of ventricular diastole, or ventricular end-diastol correct answer: preload 
Left ventricular afterload is indicated by what correct answer: SVR (Systemic Vascular Resistance) 
▪ the impedance the right and left ventricles must overcome to eject blood into the great vessels correct answer: Afterload 
▪the afterload the right ventricle must overcome correct answer: Pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) 
▪the strength and rate of car...
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