MGMT 404 Project Management (MGMT404PROJECTMANAGEME (MGMT404)

Devry University

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MGMT 404 Complete Course Project The Getta Byte - New Billing System Project
  • MGMT 404 Complete Course Project The Getta Byte - New Billing System Project

  • Overig • 22 pagina's • 2023
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  • Introduction In this introduction, I will talk about the Getta Byte software project. This project's goal is toimplement a new billing system. This billing system will simplify our company's billingproceduresandsaveustimeandmoney.Whenthesoftwareisinstalled,itwillprovideaconcise,simple, and quick data entry system. The system will run on a cloud/VPN network and will beprotected by security redundancies from the ground up. As a result, both the user and theoperator should have a more enjoyabl...
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  • $17.99
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MGMT 404 Week 8 Course Project Part 4 (Sections G and Compilation of Sections A through G) Getta Byte Software Project Devry
  • MGMT 404 Week 8 Course Project Part 4 (Sections G and Compilation of Sections A through G) Getta Byte Software Project Devry

  • Overig • 34 pagina's • 2023
  • Ook in voordeelbundel
  • 1.1 Projectgoalsandobjectives The Getta Byte Software project is a mission that is formed with the main goal in mind ofreplacing the current manual billing system with an online software-based system that willenable accurate, easy, and fast data entry system. It is worth noting that the existing system hasthe capability of helping the company to carry out the duties in daily operations. This is quitefine, but there are a few challenges that calls for an online system. The first concern is tha...
  • sapling
  • $17.99
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