Collin College
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GOVT 2305 EXAM 3 Government 2305 Collin College Question and answers rated A+ GOVT 2305 EXAM 3 
What are the two MAJOR roles of members of Congress? - correct answer Lawmaking and Representation 
The Founding Fathers wanted the congressional decision making process to be what? - correct answer Slow and Deliberate 
Define Congressional Oversight - correct answer Efforts by Congress, especially through committees, to monitor agency rulemaking, enforcement, and implementation of congr...
GOVT 2305 Exam 4 Government 2305 Collin College Questions with complete solution GOVT 2305 Exam 4 
What is the Full Faith and Credit Clause? - correct answer Article IV, Section 1 
Act/Record generated in one state must be recognized in another 
What is the Comity Clause? - correct answer Article IV Section 2 
When you go from one state to another, the new state cannot discriminate 
What are the three classifications of powers in Federalism? - correct answer Expressed - Directl...
GOVT 2305 Exam 4 Review Government 2305 Collin College Question and answers correctly solved GOVT 2305 Exam 4 Review 
What is a precedent? - correct answer Prior case whose principles are used by judges as the basis for their decision in a present case 
What is jurisdiction? - correct answer The sphere of a court's power and authority 
What is stare decisis? - correct answer Literally, "let the decision stand"; the doctrine that a previous decision by a court applies as a precede...
GOVT 2305 Exam 4 Government 2305 Collin College Question and answers verified to passGOVT 2305 Exam 4 
Who casts the official ballots for President of the U.S.? - correct answer Electoral College 
What are closed meetings of party leaders to select candidates and plan a strategy? - correct answer Caucus 
How are the numbers of electors for each state determined? - correct answer Number of seats in the House of Representatives and Senate 
In order for a presidential candidate to wi...
GOVT 2305 Exam One Review Government 2305 Collin College Question and answers already passed GOVT 2305 Exam One Review 
What did Madison/Montesquieu write was the very definition of tyranny? - correct answer The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed or elective. 
Madision believed that without (blank) and (blank) a free government can never in practice be truly maintained...
GOVT 2305 Exam One Government 2305 Collin College Question and answers 100% correct GOVT 2305 Exam One (Emblem) Review 
According to Condoleezza Rice, what are the five key aspects of Founders' institutional design? - correct answer - Strong military power to protect but not damage political order. 
- Separation of church and state. 
- Balance between states and center. 
- Space for private sector, civil society. 
- Spirit of Constitutionalism 
According to Condoleezza Rice, how does ...
Govt 2305 Exam Government 2305 Collin College Question and answers rated A+ Govt 2305 Exam #4 
What is the full faith and credit clause? - correct answer addresses the duties that states within the United States have to respect the "public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state." 
What is the comity clause? - correct answer Guarantees that all citizens from outside a given state enjoy the "privileges and immunities" granted to all citizens of that state 
GOVT 2305 Government 2305 Collin College Questions with complete solution GOVT 2305: Exam 2 
The latin term that is used in legal procedings to mean that previous decisions on similar matters should guide the decision in the current case is which of the following? - correct answer Stare decisis 
Most legal cases in the US federal court system have their final hearing in which of the following? - correct answer US District Court 
Which official or institution has the power to nominate...
GOVT 2305 Federalism Government 2305 Collin College Question and answers correctly solved GOVT 2305 Federalism 
Federalism - correct answer A system of government in which power is divided, by a constitution, between a central government and regional governments 
Unitary system - correct answer A centralized government system in which the lower levels of government have little power independent of the national government 
Expressed powers - correct answer Specific powers granted b...
Govt 2305 Final Exam Lonestar College NH Government 2305 Collin College Question and answers verified to pass Govt 2305 Final Exam Lonestar College NH 
A U.S. senator has a...year term. - correct answer 6 
Which of the following is the best definition of a constituent? - correct answer It is a person who loves in the district represented by a member of the legislature. 
Congress is a....legislature with....members. - correct answer Bicameral; 535 
A bicameral legislature is one th...