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1 Deine Reviews

48 Sachen

Compare how Andrea Levy’s ‘Small Island’ and Zora Neale Hurston’s ‘Their Eyes Were Watching God’ present the role of the female, considering the contexts of their production and reception and the different ways in which these texts have been read

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An essay that got full marks for English literature coursework comparing the role of women within Small Island and Their Eyes Were Watching God, with analysis, context, quotations, critical points, critical theories and a bibliography.

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  • Essay
  •  • 11 Seiten • 
  • von clempitrat • 
  • hochgeladen  2024
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Science and Society - The Handmaid's Tale & Frankenstein

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For each book there are notes on quote analysis, genres, contexts and themes and symbols with a document comparing the two and commenting on the differences of the two novels

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  • Paket-deal
  •  • 13 Sachen • 
  • von clempitrat • 
  • hochgeladen  2024
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The Handmaid's Tale

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Notes on: - literary devices - characters - genres - quotes and analysis - symbols and themes - analysis

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  • Paket-deal
  •  • 6 Sachen • 
  • von clempitrat • 
  • hochgeladen  2024
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