On this page, you find all documents, package deals, and flashcards offered by seller lilianlouwers1.
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9 items
Summary HR Analytics literature + lecture
This is a summary of all the core articles of the course HR analytics (-M-6). The articles have been supplemented with notes from the lectures. This summary is perfect to use as a guide during the open book exam. I did this myself and passed it with a 7.5
- Summary
- • 45 pages •
This is a summary of all the core articles of the course HR analytics (-M-6). The articles have been supplemented with notes from the lectures. This summary is perfect to use as a guide during the open book exam. I did this myself and passed it with a 7.5
Summary Mid-term Performance Management Topics 1-4 and lectures
This is a summary of all the important themes of the first four topics. Renee de Reuver made an overview for exam preparation in the last lecture, everything she mentioned is described in this summary. The articles have been supplemented with notes from the lectures. 
Topic 1 - Introduction to Performance Management 
Topic 2 - Individual Assessment & Performance Appraisal 
Topic 3 - Motivation 
Topic 4 - Sustainable Performance Management
- Summary
- • 18 pages •
This is a summary of all the important themes of the first four topics. Renee de Reuver made an overview for exam preparation in the last lecture, everything she mentioned is described in this summary. The articles have been supplemented with notes from the lectures. 
Topic 1 - Introduction to Performance Management 
Topic 2 - Individual Assessment & Performance Appraisal 
Topic 3 - Motivation 
Topic 4 - Sustainable Performance Management
Strategic Human Resource Management Summary
This document contains a summary of the recorded lectures, knowledge clips Q&A sessions and the elaboration of the exam preparation 
It contains all the information on the five themes taught by dr Jeske van Beurden: 
1. Black box debate 
2. Contingency perspective 
3. Dark-side perspective 
4. Differentiated labour force 
5. HR devolution 
This course is given within the premaster and bachelor Human Resource Studies at Tilburg University.
- Class notes
- • 57 pages •
This document contains a summary of the recorded lectures, knowledge clips Q&A sessions and the elaboration of the exam preparation 
It contains all the information on the five themes taught by dr Jeske van Beurden: 
1. Black box debate 
2. Contingency perspective 
3. Dark-side perspective 
4. Differentiated labour force 
5. HR devolution 
This course is given within the premaster and bachelor Human Resource Studies at Tilburg University.
Summaries Work & Health Psychology (760434-B-4) - Premaster Human Resource Studies
This bundle contains summaries of the lectures for the subject Work & Health Psychology and the book "An Introduction to Contemporary Work Psychology". These summaries relate to the course Work & Health Psychology taught by Dr Christina Meyers. This course is given within the premaster and bachelor Human Resource Studies at Tilburg University. 

- Package deal
- • 2 items •
This bundle contains summaries of the lectures for the subject Work & Health Psychology and the book "An Introduction to Contemporary Work Psychology". These summaries relate to the course Work & Health Psychology taught by Dr Christina Meyers. This course is given within the premaster and bachelor Human Resource Studies at Tilburg University. 

Summary lectures Work And Health Psychology (760434-B-4)
This summary contains detailed notes on the lectures by Dr Christina Meyers for the subject Work & Health Psychology. 
The notes contain content from the book "An Introduction to Contemporary Work Psychology"" (ISBN: 2503) written by Peeters, Maria C.W Jonge de, Jan Taris & Toon W.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Class notes
- • 42 pages •
This summary contains detailed notes on the lectures by Dr Christina Meyers for the subject Work & Health Psychology. 
The notes contain content from the book "An Introduction to Contemporary Work Psychology"" (ISBN: 2503) written by Peeters, Maria C.W Jonge de, Jan Taris & Toon W.
Summary An Introduction to Contemporary Work Psychology, ISBN: 9781118652503 Work And Health Psychology (760434-B-4)
This summary contains the chapters 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 & 19 from the book "An Introduction to Contemporary Work Psychology" (ISBN: 2503) written by Peeters, Maria C.W Jonge de, Jan Taris & Toon W.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Summary
- • 88 pages •
This summary contains the chapters 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 & 19 from the book "An Introduction to Contemporary Work Psychology" (ISBN: 2503) written by Peeters, Maria C.W Jonge de, Jan Taris & Toon W.
HR Metrics & Analytics
In deze bundel vindt je samenvattingen van alle hoor- en werkcolleges en van het boek HR Analytics. Deze samenvattingen hebben betrekking tot het vak HR Metrics & Analytics in semester 3 van de opleiding HRM aan Avans Hogeschool. Met deze bundel ben je helemaal voorbereid op het tentamen!
- Package deal
- • 2 items •
In deze bundel vindt je samenvattingen van alle hoor- en werkcolleges en van het boek HR Analytics. Deze samenvattingen hebben betrekking tot het vak HR Metrics & Analytics in semester 3 van de opleiding HRM aan Avans Hogeschool. Met deze bundel ben je helemaal voorbereid op het tentamen!
Hoor- en Werkcolleges HR Analytics (HRM Avans Hogeschool)
Deze samenvatting bevat alle dia's en aantekeningen van het vak HR Analytics. De engelstalige uitleg is vertaald in het Nederlands en de mondelinge uitleg is geschreven. De samenvatting is overzichtelijk ingedeeld per hoor- of werkcollege. 
Deze samenvatting sluit aan bij de samenvatting van het boek HR Analytics (ook verkrijgbaar)

De colleges zijn gegeven in het 2e jaar Human Resource Management aan Avans Hogeschool 's-Hertogenbosch (Docent: René Klep)
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Class notes
- • 33 pages •
Deze samenvatting bevat alle dia's en aantekeningen van het vak HR Analytics. De engelstalige uitleg is vertaald in het Nederlands en de mondelinge uitleg is geschreven. De samenvatting is overzichtelijk ingedeeld per hoor- of werkcollege. 
Deze samenvatting sluit aan bij de samenvatting van het boek HR Analytics (ook verkrijgbaar)

De colleges zijn gegeven in het 2e jaar Human Resource Management aan Avans Hogeschool 's-Hertogenbosch (Docent: René Klep)
Samenvatting HR Analytics (Toine Al & Irma Doze)
Deze samenvatting bevat de hoofdstukken 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10 en 11 van het boek HR-Analytics waarde creëren met datagedreven HR-beleid van Toine Al & Irma Doze. De samenvatting is overzichtelijk per hoofdstuk geschreven en sluit naadloos aan bij de hoor- en werkcolleges (ook verkrijgbaar via Stuvia)

Gebruikt op Avans Hogeschool 's-Hertogenbosch (Docent: René Klep)
ISBN: 9789058834096
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Summary
- • 21 pages •
Deze samenvatting bevat de hoofdstukken 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10 en 11 van het boek HR-Analytics waarde creëren met datagedreven HR-beleid van Toine Al & Irma Doze. De samenvatting is overzichtelijk per hoofdstuk geschreven en sluit naadloos aan bij de hoor- en werkcolleges (ook verkrijgbaar via Stuvia)

Gebruikt op Avans Hogeschool 's-Hertogenbosch (Docent: René Klep)
ISBN: 9789058834096
Summary Mid-term Performance Management Topics 1-4 and lectures
Hoor- en Werkcolleges HR Analytics (HRM Avans Hogeschool)
Hoor- en Werkcolleges HR Analytics (HRM Avans Hogeschool)
Hoor- en Werkcolleges HR Analytics (HRM Avans Hogeschool)
Samenvatting HR Analytics (Toine Al & Irma Doze)