IBA + MSc TSCM summaries
Word jij nou helemaal gek van die veel te beknopte samenvattingen die je zelf ook had kunnen maken? Dan is deze pagina misschien iets voor jou!
Met mijn ervaring als schrijver voor T (deze samenvattingen mag ik helaas niet publiceren via Stuvia) en ervaringen als student probeer ik op een professionele manier de materie voor ieder instapniveau zo begrijpelijk mogelijk te maken.
Een voorbeeld of een oefenvraag tussendoor, zo dringt de stof pas echt tot je door!
De relatief lange samenvattingen zijn bedoeld om niks mis te lopen. Iedereen leert en studeert tenslotte anders, vandaar dat ik verschillende manieren probeer terug te laten keren.
Veel succes!
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Summary BRM II - Qualitative, second exam + practice questions (E_IBA2_BRM2)
Including practice exercises! 
BRM-2 is a prerequisite for writing the bachelor thesis in year 3 of IBA. This summary covers the material for the second exam of Business Research Methods 2. 
The summary covers the lecture, literature, and tutorial materials that are being assessed during the second exam of BRM-2. It is also very useful when writing the team research paper.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 48 pages •
Including practice exercises! 
BRM-2 is a prerequisite for writing the bachelor thesis in year 3 of IBA. This summary covers the material for the second exam of Business Research Methods 2. 
The summary covers the lecture, literature, and tutorial materials that are being assessed during the second exam of BRM-2. It is also very useful when writing the team research paper.
Supply Chain Management in Emerging Economies summary + tutorial exercises (IBA/BK, VU Amsterdam)
Supply Chain Management in Emerging Economies is a second-year elective course (BSc IBA or BK) that is a pre-requisite for the MSc Transport & Supply Chain Management. It is also referred to as Supply Chain Management 2. 
The course will take place during the 5th period of the academic year of 2021/2022. 
The exam consists of a theoretical and a more practical part. Note that this summary mostly summarizes the theoretical part (the other part will be uploaded as well). 
This summary also ...
- Book
- Summary
- • 37 pages •
Supply Chain Management in Emerging Economies is a second-year elective course (BSc IBA or BK) that is a pre-requisite for the MSc Transport & Supply Chain Management. It is also referred to as Supply Chain Management 2. 
The course will take place during the 5th period of the academic year of 2021/2022. 
The exam consists of a theoretical and a more practical part. Note that this summary mostly summarizes the theoretical part (the other part will be uploaded as well). 
This summary also ...
Summary DIVO 20/21 (Samenvatting) Digital Innovation ... (E_IBA2_DIVO) papers, articles, lectures, practice exam
This file contains a profound overview of all course material relevant to the (resit) exam of Digital Innovation & Virtual Organizing in a Global Setting. Articles and lecture material is summarized as well. 
Some additional features are in-document links so that you do not have to waste time scrolling/looking for materials that you want to study. The summary concludes with a practice exam.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 58 pages •
This file contains a profound overview of all course material relevant to the (resit) exam of Digital Innovation & Virtual Organizing in a Global Setting. Articles and lecture material is summarized as well. 
Some additional features are in-document links so that you do not have to waste time scrolling/looking for materials that you want to study. The summary concludes with a practice exam.
Academic Skills IBA, summary Chapter 2 and 3
Samenvatting van hoofdstuk 2 en 3 van het boek Doing Business Research. (Uitgrebreide samenvatting).
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Summary
- • 20 pages •
Samenvatting van hoofdstuk 2 en 3 van het boek Doing Business Research. (Uitgrebreide samenvatting).
Academic Skills IBA, summary of the book 'Doing Business Research' Foreword and CH 1
Eerste samenvatting van de reeks afkomstig van het boek "Doing Business Research" van Nick Lee & Ian Lings. De samenvatting omvat het voorwoord en het eerste hoofdstuk. De volgende samenvatting (Chapter 2 & 3) wordt binnen enkele dagen geüpload. Commentaar en suggesties zijn zeer wenselijk!
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Summary
- • 7 pages •
Eerste samenvatting van de reeks afkomstig van het boek "Doing Business Research" van Nick Lee & Ian Lings. De samenvatting omvat het voorwoord en het eerste hoofdstuk. De volgende samenvatting (Chapter 2 & 3) wordt binnen enkele dagen geüpload. Commentaar en suggesties zijn zeer wenselijk!
OSCM lecture & tutorial notes
OSCM lecture & tutorial notes
OSCM lecture & tutorial notes
Summary DIVO 20/21 (Samenvatting) Digital Innovation ... (E_IBA2_DIVO) papers, articles, lectures, practice exam
Summary DIVO 20/21 (Samenvatting) Digital Innovation ... (E_IBA2_DIVO) papers, articles, lectures, practice exam