

Sur cette page, vous trouverez tous les documents, offres groupées et cartes mémoire flash proposés par le vendeur myhrenetheron.


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4 éléments

Bundle full summary HoPT and overview philosophers

0x  vendu

This bundle includes the full summary of the course History of Political Thought and an overview of all philosophers mentioned in the course including their main ideas, which will help you get a quicker overview of the most important points of the course.

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  • Pack
  •  • 2 éléments • 
  • par myhrenetheron • 
  • publié  2024
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Complete Summary Political Economy - 2023/2024

1x  vendu

This is a very comprehensive and structured summary of the course Political Economy (2023/2024). It includes all readings and all lectures notes. At the end I've also added for each lecture some essay questions with answers to practice (AI generated, but all based on the notes of the lectures). I really enjoyed this course, and I hope that this summary will help you study for your exam!

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  • Resume
  •  • 130 pages • 
  • par myhrenetheron • 
  • publié  2024
Aperçu Rapide
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