

Selling GCSE and A Level Notes written by a GCSE grade 9 and A Level predicted A*s student! Notes are concise and to the point and are compilations of textbook notes with mark-schemes points added. This helped me achieve top grades and will hopefully help you too!


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A Level SNAB Biology Topics 1-4 notes

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A* notes for the A Level SNAB Biology specification covering topics 1-4. These topics come up in all 3 papers in the SNAB Biology exam board. The notes are neat, tidy and concise and include exam questions and mark scheme points and are extremely useful for revision.

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  •  • 3 items • 
  • by prableenaulakh • 
  • uploaded  2023
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Topic 4: Biodiversity and Natural Resources

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These are A* quality notes that I wrote during my A Levels to help me revise for A Level Edexcel A SNAB Biology. Notes and resources for this exam board are very limited so I hope these notes help students that are struggling to find resources online. I wrote these using my class notes, the Edexcel SNAB textbook, mark schemes and other online resources such as savemyexams. At the end of the document, I have written some common exam questions that I came across during my revision along with their...

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  •  • 19 pages • 
  • by prableenaulakh • 
  • uploaded  2023
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GCSE History AQA Elizabethan England: Suitors and Advisors summary tables

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This document is a GRADE 9 revision resource for GCSE AQA History students, studying Elizabethan England. It consists of two summary tables about the suitors and advisors which come up in the GCSE AQA History Elizabethan England specification. EXTREMELY HELPFUL REVISION RESOURCE FOR EXAMS!!!

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  •  • 2 pages • 
  • by prableenaulakh • 
  • uploaded  2023
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A Level SNAB Biology Topic 3: Voice of the Genome notes

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These are A* quality notes that I wrote during my A Levels to help me revise for A Level Edexcel A SNAB Biology. Notes and resources for this exam board are very limited so I hope these notes help students that are struggling to find resources online. I wrote these using my class notes, the Edexcel SNAB textbook, mark schemes and other online resources such as savemyexams. At the end of the document, I have written some common exam questions that I came across during my revision along with their...

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  •  • 16 pages • 
  • by prableenaulakh • 
  • uploaded  2023
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A Level Edexcel A SNAB Biology Topic 2: Genes and Health

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These are A* quality notes that I wrote during my A Levels to help me revise for A Level Edexcel A SNAB Biology. Notes and resources for this exam board are very limited so I hope these notes help students that are struggling to find resources online. I wrote these using my class notes, the Edexcel SNAB textbook, mark schemes and other online resources such as savemyexams. Throughout the document, I have written some common exam questions that I came across during my revision along with their ma...

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  •  Package deal
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  •  • 18 pages • 
  • by prableenaulakh • 
  • uploaded  2023
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GCSE History Germany 1890-1945 timeline

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GRADE 9 timeline of all events in the GCSE History 1890-1945 specification. Helped me achieve a grade 9. Covers all events concisely with key points such as key people involved, key figures, factors and consequences etc. Extremely useful revision aid.

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  • Summary
  •  • 7 pages • 
  • by prableenaulakh • 
  • uploaded  2023
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