

On this page, you find all documents, package deals, and flashcards offered by seller tranghane.


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4 Reviews received

    3 months ago pychew888

    Problem Set 8 - UBC - CPSC 110

    6 months ago nopenope85

    Problem Set 11

    does not even include the full problem set/ assignment. I want my money back

    Review Writer Avatar

    By: tranghane • 6 months ago

    oh, maybe they change the assignment for each year, sorry about that. Maybe you should tell Gregor to keep the assignment the same for every year :D

    6 months ago bhumikakalra16

    Problem Set 11

    Review Writer Avatar

    By: tranghane • 6 months ago

    Sorry for any problem with the product, I wonder you can tell me what's wrong with the problem set

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    By: bhumikakalra16 • 6 months ago

    The code does not work for me. It doesn’t contain the generate-room function or follow the format of function definition given above

    8 months ago aboveinsanerblx

    Problem Set 5 - UBC - CPSC 110

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    By: tranghane • 7 months ago

    what happen with the missing 2 stars :<

27 items

PHYS 131 quizes and midterms

0x  sold

Answer key and solution for PHYS 131 quizzes and midterms

i x
  • Package deal
  •  • 3 items • 
  • by tranghane • 
  • uploaded  04-05-2023
i x

Problem set 7, 8, 9, 10 - UBC - CPSC 110

2x  sold

Copy to Dracket for better view

i x
  • Package deal
  •  • 4 items • 
  • by tranghane • 
  • uploaded  03-03-2023
i x

Written Assignment - UBC 2022 - MATH 100

1x  sold

All 5 Written Assignments for Math 100 with answer keys got full marks. Recommend using them as a reference, and do not just copy and paste.

i x
  • Package deal
  •  • 5 items • 
  • by tranghane • 
  • uploaded  20-12-2022
i x

All problem set solution - UBC 2022 - CPSC 110

8x  sold

Completed file for all problem sets. Remember to copy the pdf file to Dr Racket for a better view. This file should be exactly identical except that the file has answers for each problems.

i x
  • Package deal
  •  • 9 items • 
  • by tranghane • 
  • uploaded  20-12-2022
i x