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Your guide/study notes for an upcoming test? If you are learning changes in matter and all about nuclear chemistry look into this pdf file for reference or to save you some time so that you don't need to make your own study notes. 

-changes in matter
-chemical equations
-law of conservation of mass
-diatomic molecules
-nomenclature review
-mole ratio
-endothermic & exothermic reactions
-types of energy
-law of conservation of energy
-chemical reactions
-nuclear chemistry
Presentation about the life of Joe DiMaggio that includes his early life, his early career, his work in the New York Yankees, his retirement, his achievements, his personnal life and his death and legacy.
Nemos (fiches) about George Orwell (early life, education, personnal life, early career, later works) and the Russian Revolution (general description, the factors of the revolution, the february revolution, the october revolution, the russian civil war, Joseph Stalin, Leon Trotsky)
Nemos (fiches) about Ernest Hemingway like his early life, his military experience, his later works, his life in Europe, his relationship, his last moment, his legacy.
Nemos (fiches) about Joe DiMaggio about his early life, general informations about him, his early career, his life in the New York Yankees, his retirement, his achievements, his personnal life, his death and his legacy.
Research about the life of Beryl Markham that includes informations about her early life, her education, her life as a pilot, her works as an author, her legacy and honors.
Presentation and research about Beryl Markham: early life, family, friends, education, early career, her life as a pilot, making history, love life, her work. legacy and honor
Évaluation critériée et personnelle sur le soccer grâce à 3 critères du programme PEI à l'école Lucille-Teasdale
Informations générales sur le mouvement sectaire nommé le satanisme dont l'historique, les règles, une explication de comment le satanisme est un culte malsain et des faits d'actualité.