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AMCA CERTIFICATION TEST - MEDICAL ASSISTING STUDY GUIDE - SET A, Questions with accurate answers, rated A+ 
1) Which of the following is considered a parasitic infection? 
A. Lyme disease 
B. Rabies 
C. Ringworm 
D. Malaria - - 
2) Aspirin and acetaminophen are examples of: 
A. Analgesics and antipyretics 
B. Antitussives and decongestants 
C. Antihistamines and antiemetics 
D. Antidotes and antibiotics - - 
3) Demerol 75 mg, IM every 4 hours, as needed for severe pain, is what type of m...
AMCA Phlebotomy Exam Questions and answers, 100% Accurate, rated A+ 
PPE stands for? - -Personal Protective Equipment 
How do you remove PPE equipment? - -1st - Gloves 
 2nd - Gown 
 3rd - Shield 
Most common complication in Phlebotomy - -Hematoma 
What is the normal life span of RBC's - -is 120 days 
Three major veins are located - -in the antecubital fossa 
The three major veins are? - -Median cubital vein 
 Cephalic vein 
 Basilic vein 
Basal state is - -When the patient has ...
AMCA pct study guide exam Questions and answers, 100% Accurate, rated A+ 
Ventral - front part of body 
Dorsal - back part of body 
Posterior - toward the back part of body 
Anterior - in front of 
Medial - toward the midline 
Lateral - away from the midline 
Proximal - closest to the point of origin 
Distal - away from the point of origin 
Frontal plane - divides the body into front and back portions 
Transverse plane - divides the body into upper and lower portions 
AMCA EXAM Questions and answers, 100% Accurate. 
Malaria - -parasitic infection 
aspirin and acetaminophen are examples of: - -analgesics and antipyretics 
Demerol 75 mg, IM every 4 hours, as needed for severe pain, is what type of medication order? - -PRN 
This unit in the hospital is run by physicians and experts in the field of musculoskeletal disorders of bones, joints, ligaments and tendons - -rheumatology 
MSDS info includes - -general & emergency information 
The physician p...
AMCA EXAM Questions and answers, 100% Accurate, rated A+ 
Barbituate - -Sedative 
Lidocaine - -Anesthetic 
Codeine - -Narcotic 
Melanin - -Integumentary system produces 
Coagulation tests - -Light blue top 
Hematology tests - -Lavendar top 
Blood culture - -Yellow top 
Heparin does what? - -Inhibits thrombine 
What is the creation of blood cells called? - -Hematopoiesis 
The scrubbing of instruments with special brushes and detergents to remove blood, mucous, etc - -Sanitiz...
AMCA exam Questions with accurate answers, rated A+ 
Which department monitors warfarin therapy? - -coagulation 
What is the scrubbing of instruments with special bruishes and detergents to remove blood, mucous, etc called - -Sanitization 
Involves a soaking or wiping process and inhibits the activity of disease causing organisms. - -Disinfection 
What is the process used for supplies that will come in contact with internal body tissue or an open wound? It involves heat and a Autoclave...