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Majors at Midter
Notes available for the following studies at Midter
Latest notes & summaries Midter
changes in the amino acid sequence of the opsin protein - substitutions can shift the peak up or down 
and the effects are additive 
addition of a colored oil droplet to the photoreceptor (lizards, birds, etc.) 
Why do monochromat animals see the world in shades of grey? - ANSWER-living in dark, poorly lit 
environments so they need to use all of their photoreceptors for spatial pattern analysis and brightness 
contrasts, not color vision 
What types of photopigments ("amount") does mammals...
Where are eyes placed on the head for animals that use vision to detect and escape quickly from 
predators? - ANSWER-WIDE field of vision so placed on the sides of the head (rabbit) or on eyestalks 
raised above the head (crab) 
monocular vision (eyes basically function independently with little overlapping fields for binocular vision 
(using both eyes together to see)) 
Define temporal resolution - ANSWER-rate at which a rapidly blinking light is perceived as continuous 
Eyes with high (cone...