SOCI 102 (SOCI102)
University of British Columbia (UBC )
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IMAGINING SOCIOLOGY Chapter 4: Globalisation and Global Inequality
- Summary • 6 pages • 2018
- Available in package deal
- CA$15.48
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CLEAR and CONCISE assimilation of notes from lectures (SOCI 102 with Catherine Corrigall-Brown), the textbook (Imagining Sociology written by Catherine Corrigall-Brown), and discussions. These notes include a COMPLETE BREAKDOWN of each important concept (with examples) and key terms highlighted. If you want an A - these notes are for you (I got an A using these notes).
IMAGINING SOCIOLOGY Chapter 3: Social Inequality and Social Class
- Summary • 5 pages • 2018
- Available in package deal
- CA$15.48
- 1x sold
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CLEAR and CONCISE assimilation of notes from lectures (SOCI 102 with Catherine Corrigall-Brown), the textbook (Imagining Sociology written by Catherine Corrigall-Brown), and discussions. These notes include a COMPLETE BREAKDOWN of each important concept (with examples) and key terms highlighted. If you want an A - these notes are for you (I got an A using these notes).
IMAGINING SOCIOLOGY Chapter 1: The Sociological Imagination
- Summary • 6 pages • 2018
- Available in package deal
- CA$15.48
- 3x sold
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CLEAR and CONCISE assimilation of notes from lectures (SOCI 102 with Catherine Corrigall-Brown), the textbook (Imagining Sociology written by Catherine Corrigall-Brown), and discussions. These notes include a COMPLETE BREAKDOWN of each important concept (with examples) and key terms highlighted. If you want an A - these notes are for you (I got an A using these notes).
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