University of Toronto (U OF T ) • BCH210
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Latest notes & summaries University of Toronto (U OF T ) • BCH210
What are the different biochemical molecules of life? correct answer: - proteins = antibodies, receptors, transorters, hormones enzymes 
- lipids = fats, cholesterol, hormones 
- sugars = energy, cell structure 
- nucleic acids = DNA, RNA 
- small molecules= vitamines, metabolites 
- ions = K+, Na+, Ca2+, Cl- 
- water 
What are the 2 different types of hormones? correct answer: - protein/ lipid derivative 
What determines the function of a molecules correct answer: structure 
What cause...
Membranes (both outside and inside the cell) correct answer: Not a static structure, very important for cell function. They contain proteins that are very complex and vital to cell life. 
Mitochondria membranes correct answer: Very vital for the cell, has both an inner and outer membrane. 
What drives membrane formation? correct answer: A decrease in ionic interactions with water / limiting the hydrophobic interactions drives membrane formation. 
Lipid tails are ... correct answer: Hyd...
What are the three types of membrane proteins? correct answer: 1) Peripheral 
2) Integral 
3) Lipid anchored 
What are peripheral membrane proteins? correct answer: - Adhere to surface of lipid membranes or integral membrane proteins through non-covalent interactions 
- Can be removed using milder conditions 
What is the signature amino acid sequence for amphipathic helices? correct answer: P-P-NP-NP-P-P-NP-NP 
alternating polar and non-polar aa 
What are integral membrane proteins? ...
Functions of biological membranes correct answer: - barrier (import/export) 
-compartmentalization of essential molecules (incrs. efficiency) 
- cell signaling-mediated by pr & lipids (receptors) 
- modulate cell-cell recognition (glycoproteins & glycolipids) 
What's responsible for membrane formation correct answer: decrease in ionic interactions w/ h2o (HYDROPHOBIC EFFECT) 
-h20X tails aggregate to hide from h2o (lots of n-c interactions) 
-polar heads interact w/ h2o 
Decreases membrane ...
What does Rotenone and amytal do? correct answer: Inhibit electron flow from complex I to CoQ 
What does antimycin A do? correct answer: blocks complex III 
What does Cyanide, azide and Co do? correct answer: Inhibit complex IV 
what does oligomycin do? correct answer: inhibits ATP synthase, by binding to c subunit of ATP synthase blocking the flow of protons 
What are uncouplers? correct answer: disconnect ATP synthesis from electron flow, have ability to transport protons across i...
sucrose correct answer: glucose + fructose with a glycosidic bond 
simple monosaccharide correct answer: formula: (CH2O)n 
-simplest carbohydrates 
-have an aldehyde or ketone group 
sugars with a aldehyde have a prefix aldo- 
sugars with a ketone group have a prefix keto- 
-if a ketose, the ketone group is always at carbon 2- this decreases the amount of isomers that could form 
-made up of chiral carbons- allowing the sugars to form different isomers, leading to structural diversity (aldos...
proteins correct answer: polymers of amino acids linked in a linear chain by peptide/amide bonds (polypeptides) 
polysaccharides correct answer: polymers of sugars (mono-saccharides) linked in linear and branched chains by glycosidic bonds 
DNA correct answer: polymers of nucleotides linked in linear chains by phosphodiester bonds 
protein enzymes correct answer: Linkages (bonds) are formed/broken by _______? 
sickle cell anemia correct answer: a single amino acid change in hemoglob...
Name three factors responsible for membrane formation correct answer: Decrease in ionic interactions with water 
Decrease in membrane entropy 
Non-covalent interactions between lipids and proteins 
What membrane structures allow the cell membrane to modulate cell-cell recognition? correct answer: Glycoproteins and glycoplipids 
What non-covalent forces drive spontaneous membrane assembly? correct answer: Hydrophobic effect, hydrogen bonds and van der Waals 
What is the most important re...
Essential Membrane Functions correct answer: act as barrier 
regulate import and export of molecules 
compartmentalization of processes increases efficiency 
membrane properties correct answer: composed of lipid bilayer 
impermeable to polar molecules 
membrane fluidity correct answer: lipids and proteins rotate or move within bilayer; allows cell movement, growth, division, secretion, cell junction formation, and self-heal if punctured 
comformational changes mediate 
Which AA likes to form alpha helix? correct answer: Glutamate 
Which AA likes to form beta sheet correct answer: Valine 
Which amino acids have aliphatic side chains? correct answer: alanine, glycine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, 
which amino acids have aliphatic hydroxyl side chains? correct answer: serine and threonine 
which amino acids have aromatic side chains? correct answer: phenylalanine, tyrosine, tryptophan 
which amino acids are sulfur containing? correct answer: cyste...