Latest uploads at zoology. Looking for notes at zoology? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for your school.
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Majors at zoology
Notes available for the following studies at zoology
Latest notes & summaries zoology
XI_Phy_New_Chap-01 Units and Measurement (Revised) (XX A&R Items)
XI_Botany_New Chap-03 Plant Kingdom (XXX A&R Test Item
XI_Botany_New Chap-03 Plant Kingdom (XXX A&R Test Item
XII_Botany_New_Chap-05 Molecular Basis of Inheritance (XXX A&R Items) full syllabus.
XII_Phy_New_Chap-09 Ray Optics and Optical Instruments (XX AR Items)
XII_Phy_New_Chap-09 Ray Optics and Optical Instruments (XX AR Items)
XII_Phy_New_Chap-15 Semiconductor Electronics (XX AR Items
XI_Phy_New_Chap-07 Gravitation (XX A&R Items).