Dka - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Dka? On this page you'll find 12 study documents about Dka.
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NR566 Chapter 33 Complete Study Guide
- Other • 13 pages • 2021
- CA$17.84
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	Clinical S/Sx 
o	T1DM- abrupt, although insulin secretion decline begins long before the symptoms develop. 
	Classic manifestations (new onset): 
•	Polydipsia 
•	Polyuria 
•	Wt loss 
•	Hyperglycemia 
•	Ketonemia or ketonuria 
	DKA = classic s/sx + fruity-smelling breath + drowsiness/lethargy + vomiting 
	Silent (asymptomatic) incidental discovery 
o	T2DM 
	Risk Fx and Associated comp...

- Other • 31 pages • 2021
- CA$30.48
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Types of DM 1. Type 1 - severe insulin deficiency resulting in reduction or absence of functioning beta cells in the pancreatic islets of Langerhans. This leads to hyperglycemia due to altered metabolism of lipids, carbs, and proteins. Initial s/s of hyperglycemia. Subjective findings- polyuria, polydipsia, nocturnal enuresis and polyphagia with paradoxical weight loss, visual changes and fatigue. Objective-dehydration(poor skin turgor and dry mucous), wt loss despite normal/increase appet...

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