2nd year - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about 2nd year? On this page you'll find 58 study documents about 2nd year.
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Subtopics include: What is sales negotiation? 
best selling negotiation techniques 
Building a Marketing Strategy for Your Business 
7 Ps of Marketing and more
Subtopic includes: Stress management tips ,What is the healthy response to stress, the role of the locus coeruleus in stress and much more
Understanding Market Research, Example of company survey , Qualitative Research Methods and much more
Subtopics Includes: Productivity improvement strategy, management responsibilities
lecture summary topic; HRM Operative function
subtopics includes: characteristics of an entrepreneur 
15 traits to becoming a successful entrepreneur
Subtopics include: Quality Management 
Principles Of Quality Management and more
How to Write a Business Plan
Panning a Print Project Document - Homework/Notes/Coursework - BCIT Winter 2023 - Lewis K. - GTEC 2nd year
GTEC 4200 Document - Homework/Notes/Coursework - BCIT Winter 2023 - Lewis K. - GTEC 2nd year

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