Membrane transport - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Membrane transport? On this page you'll find 33 study documents about Membrane transport.
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Clear and consise notes on unit 1 - cell biology of the IB SL biology course.

- Class notes • 28 pages • 2020
- Available in package deal
- CA$4.44
- 3x sold
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This notebook contains lecture notes from 2019 BIOL 1090 class. It includes diagrams, definitions, exam questions&solutions, and only the TESTED textbook content that was on my final exam. 
Covers all lectures and goes more in-depth from lecture 13 and up (after midterm #1) Some topics include: 
- Mitosis/Meiosis 
- Regulation of Cell and Cancer 
- Genetics (genotypes) 
- Binomial Probability (punnett squares and family trees) 
- Mendel’s Pea Experiment 
- Viruses and Bacteriophage 
- Com...

BIOL1090 EXAM FULL STUDY GUIDE - Focuses on tested info from 2020 exam
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2019
- Available in package deal
- CA$5.93
- 3x sold
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This note package provides all the information needed to know for the BIOL 1090 exam. 
Focuses on on material from the midterm and up (Fall 20' semester tested mainly on knowledge from after the midterm. 
The notes have been rewritten to support the most important concepts that appeared in the final exam and are very well organized and explained. 
Topics include information of the cell, biological membranes&proteins, transport, cellular respiration, photosynthesis, viruses, cotranslational pr...

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