Anthropology - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Anthropology? On this page you'll find 71 study documents about Anthropology.
Popular textbooks 'Anthropology' · Show all (15)
Anthropology: The Human Challenge
William A. Haviland, Harald E. L. Prins, Walrath, Bunny McBride
8 documents
Gary Ferraro, Susan Andreatta
8 documents
Conrad Phillip Kottak
7 documents
Chad T. Morris, Alexandra G. Lancey
7 documents
Robert Borofsky
4 documents
Agustin Fuentes
4 documents
Sir Daniel Wilson, Sir Edward B (Edward Burnett) Tylor
2 documents
John H. Bodley
2 documents
Emma Crewe, Richard Axelby
2 documents
Barbara D. Miller
3 documents
Harriet Joseph Ottenheimer, Judith M.S. Pine
3 documents
Rebecca Stein, Philip L. Stein
3 documents
Thomas Hylland Eriksen
4 documents
Conrad Kottak
5 documents
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