

I Provide High quality work at a low price. You may find other documents on the Internet or this website however they don't always cover all the BTEC Criteria. This is why my work has the best standards and COVERS ALL THE CRITERIA, i go into a lot of detail from pass to distinction tasks, so you can use it as a guide/ template. Each piece of works takes around 3-4 hours and I only ask for a small contribution of your money.


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93 items

P3- Represent how data flows around a computer system

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For P3, learners must represent how data flows around a computer system; this could be using annotated diagrams and or flow charts. The representation must include the input, memory, processing and output aspects of the flow of data

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  •  Package deal
  • Essay
  •  • 1 pages • 
  • by topqualityworka • 
  • uploaded  2017
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P4- Specify suitable components to meet user requirements

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For P4, learners must specify the components to be used to create a computer system for a specified end user. This should include hardware components, any peripherals, software systems, application software and utilities which they would recommend. Evidence for this could be in the form of a presentation, report, video/audio discussion.

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  •  Package deal
  • Essay
  •  • 10 pages • 
  • by topqualityworka • 
  • uploaded  2017
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M3- Justify that the chosen software meets a given user requirement

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For merit criterion M3, learners must provide a justification as to why the configuration that they have carried out meets the needs of the specified end user. This could be included as a verbal justification during the video of the customisation, response to questions from the teacher, additional annotation of the screen captures, a presentation or report.

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  •  Package deal
  • Essay
  •  • 3 pages • 
  • by topqualityworka • 
  • uploaded  2017
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P5- Connect hardware safely to a computer system, testing for functionality

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For P5, learners must provide evidence of connecting hardware to a computer system and test the functionality of the system. The learners should connect at least three hardware components, one of which should be internal to the system. The evidence could be in the form of a video, series of annotated photographs or detailed observation of the learner connecting the hardware. The learners should be demonstrating safe working practices. The learners must also include a test plan with the headings ...

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  •  Package deal
  • Essay
  •  • 10 pages • 
  • by topqualityworka • 
  • uploaded  2017
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P7- Identify potential security risks

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For P7, learners must identify the potential security risks that can apply to a computer system. The computer system should be the same system that they have been been configuring software on. The evidence could be presented as a recorded discussion, presentation with speaker notes (which could also be videoed) or a report.

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  •  Package deal
  • Essay
  •  • 4 pages • 
  • by topqualityworka • 
  • uploaded  2017
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D1- Evaluate any changes to the system

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For distinction criterion D1, learners should evaluate any changes made to the system and how this meets the needs of the end user and the original specification of the computer system. If learners have not made any changes, then they should evaluate changes which could be made. The evidence could be in the form of an audio recording of a discussion, a video diary, presentation (which could also be videoed) or a report.

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  •  Package deal
  • Essay
  •  • 4 pages • 
  • by topqualityworka • 
  • uploaded  2017
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D2- Check a computer system for security risks using a range of software utilities

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For distinction criterion D2, learners must provide evidence of using a range (three or more) of software utilities to check the security of a computer system. The computer system could be the same system that they have been using throughout the assessment of this unit. The evidence should include information relating to the security check being carried out, the software utility being used, the result of the check, issues identified if any www.ocr.org.uk 10 and remedial action to be taken if an...

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  •  Package deal
  • Essay
  •  • 5 pages • 
  • by topqualityworka • 
  • uploaded  2017
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P2- Explain how two contrasting businesses are influenced by stakeholders

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Why buy this work you may ask? Every task for every unit meets the BTEC Criteria which is what makes my work different. I go in-depth into every aspect and make sure the specification to achieve the desired grade is met. It makes me 3-4 Per Task so i am only asking for a small contribution. Thanks. Stakeholders and their influence • Stakeholders: o internal, e.g. managers, employees, owners o external, e.g. suppliers, lenders, competitors, debtors, creditors, customers, government agencies and...

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  • Essay
  •  • 8 pages • 
  • by topqualityworka • 
  • uploaded  2017
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