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Best selling Unit 15 - Ways of interpreting the scripture notes
THEO104 STUDY GUIDE; Module/Week 1: Introduction to Theology
- Other • 20 pages • 2021 Popular
- £11.16
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THEO104 STUDY GUIDE; Module/Week 1: Introduction to Theology 
 Textbook Readings: 
Towns: Introduction & Ch. 1 
1.	How did the term “Christian” originate? Created as sarcastic attack, It was not about doctrine, or the things Christians did. Those who were called Christians were known for their relationship to Jesus Chist. 
2.	Who was this book written for? For those who know something about Cristianity but want to know more. Fo...
Marriages And Families 8th Edition By Benokraitis - Test Bank
- Exam (elaborations) • 282 pages • 2023 Popular
- £17.49
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Chapter 2 Studying the Family 
2.1 Quick Quiz 
1) According to the structural-functional theory, the instrumental role in a family is best carried out by the ________. 
A) marriage therapist 
B) parents of the couple 
C) wife 
D) husband 
Answer: D 
Page Ref: 32 
A-head: Theoretical Perspectives on Families 
Skill level: Know the Facts 
Difficulty: Easy 
Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe eight major family theoretical perspectives, identify whether each is macro- and/or micro-level, and summa...
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Newest Unit 15 - Ways of interpreting the scripture summaries
Marriages And Families 8th Edition By Benokraitis - Test Bank
- Exam (elaborations) • 282 pages • 2023 New
- £17.49
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Chapter 2 Studying the Family 
2.1 Quick Quiz 
1) According to the structural-functional theory, the instrumental role in a family is best carried out by the ________. 
A) marriage therapist 
B) parents of the couple 
C) wife 
D) husband 
Answer: D 
Page Ref: 32 
A-head: Theoretical Perspectives on Families 
Skill level: Know the Facts 
Difficulty: Easy 
Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe eight major family theoretical perspectives, identify whether each is macro- and/or micro-level, and summa...
THEO104 STUDY GUIDE; Module/Week 1: Introduction to Theology
- Other • 20 pages • 2021 New
- £11.16
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THEO104 STUDY GUIDE; Module/Week 1: Introduction to Theology 
 Textbook Readings: 
Towns: Introduction & Ch. 1 
1.	How did the term “Christian” originate? Created as sarcastic attack, It was not about doctrine, or the things Christians did. Those who were called Christians were known for their relationship to Jesus Chist. 
2.	Who was this book written for? For those who know something about Cristianity but want to know more. Fo...
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