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Newest Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences, Global Edition summaries
Samenvatting Statistiek II Jaar 2.4 Psychologie
- Summary • 27 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- £5.54
- 7x sold
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Dit is een samenvatting voor het vak Statistiek II van het tweede jaar psychologie. De samenvatting is gebaseerd op het boek Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences van Alan Agresti en de hoorcolleges. Door te studeren aan de hand van deze samenvatting heb ik een 8,7 gehaald voor het tentamen.
Summary Statistics II Year 2.4 Psychology
- Summary • 27 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- £5.54
- 78x sold
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This is a summary for the course Statistics II of the second year of psychology. The summary is based on the book Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences by Alan Agresti and the lectures. I studied using this summary and received an 8.7 for the exam.
Summary Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences
- Summary • 18 pages • 2020
- £2.55
- 6x sold
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This is a summary of the book Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences (fifth edition) by Alan Agresti. This book is used by Statistics 2, in the second year of studying Psychology at the University of Groningen.
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Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences (h1, h2, h3, h9.1 t/m 9.4)
- Summary • 18 pages • 2020
- £2.98
- 3x sold
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Summary of the English book 'Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences' (fifth edition) by Alan Agresti. Summary is largely in English, with sometimes some Dutch words for my own understanding.
Statistics III summary first partial exam
- Summary • 14 pages • 2020
- Available in package deal
- £2.98
- 1x sold
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Summary of the first part of Statistics III
lecture notes 1-5

- Multiple regression /Correlation with 2 IVs
- Hierarchical analysis. Curvilinear Relationships 
- Logistic regression

Chapter 11, 14 & 15
Samenvatting Statistiek 1 Jaar 1.2 Psychologie
- Summary • 19 pages • 2019
- Available in package deal
- £4.26
- 4x sold
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Dit is een erg complete samenvatting voor het vak Statistiek 1 van het eerste jaar psychologie. Door het leren aan de hand van deze samenvatting heb ik zelf een 8,4 gehaald voor het tentamen. Achterin de samenvatting bevindt zich een lijst met de uitleg van alle tekens die gebruikt worden voor dit vak (se, sigma, Q1, etc.). De samenvatting is gebaseerd op het boek Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences van Alan Agresti, informatie uit de hoorcolleges en informatie uit de lessen op Grasple.
Summary Statistics 1 Year 1.2 Psychology
- Summary • 19 pages • 2019
- Available in package deal
- £4.26
- 12x sold
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This is a summary for the course Statistics 1 of the first year of psychology. I studied with this summary and received an 8.4 for the exam. In the back of the summary, you will find a list where all the signs used in this course are explained (se, sigma, Q1, etc.). This summary is based on the book Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences by Alan Agresti, information from the lectures, and information from the Grasple lessons.
Introduction to Statistics - Lecture Notes
- Lecture notes • 26 pages • 2019
- Available in package deal
- £2.55
- 1x sold
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Introductory course on statistics for the first year of Sociology by the lecturer Thijs Bol at the UvA.
Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences, chapters 1-6 and 9-11, by Agresti & Finlay
- Summary • 20 pages • 2016
- £2.97
- 16x sold
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This summary discusses chapters 1-6 and 9-11 of the book: Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences, by Agresti and Finlay. The concepts discussed in these chapters are identified, and further elaborated. The chapters discussed are identical to the required reading for the Statistics 2 course for Liberal Arts & Sciences students at Tilburg University.
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