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Newest Information Technology Law summaries
Balancing Privacy, Data Protection and Free Speech Online
- Study guide • 12 pages • 2020
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These notes introduce two key philosophies underpinning freedom of expression, including freedom of expression online. The US philosophy, 'the marketplace of ideas', envisages minimal governmental intervention in order to preserve freedom of thought, autonomy and democratic speech. The European philosophy allows for governmental content regulation provided certain safeguards are present. Such differing philosophies regarding the relative value of free speech when balanced with other rights and...
- Study guide • 11 pages • 2020
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Containing lecture notes, class notes, academic discussion and textbook notes, these notes consider in what ways it can be said that the data protection regime is broad in scope and what objectives such a broadly framed data protection regime seeks to achieve.
Intermediary Liability
- Study guide • 19 pages • 2020
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Containing lecture notes, class notes, textbook notes and academic discussion, these notes discuss whether platforms should be held responsible for the illegal content they host and, in particular, what the shift from intermediary liability exemption to a more active duty of care would entail.
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Regulating the Digital Environment
- Study guide • 14 pages • 2020
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Lecture notes, textbook notes, academic articles and class notes on regulating the digital environment. From the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Notes consider whether it is possible to regulate the information society given its particular characteristics and, if so, how the information society should be regulated. 

We shall stray from traditional legal analysis into the wider field of governance or regulation to examine how lawmakers, lawyers and others can bring control and...
Copyright in the Digital Environment
- Study guide • 12 pages • 2020
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These notes begin by exploring the nature of information and its many forms (text, audiovisual media, hyperlinks, news aggregation, cultural and technical products) and how the production, use and ownership of these is complicated by the online environment. Is there a fundamental contradiction in the enforcement of intellectual property rights and the 'copy, download, paste and upload' ethos many users of the internet rely on? What should we do about Peer-to-Peer systems and streaming of content...
Information Technology Law Notes 2:1/1st Class
- Package deal • 15 items • 2020
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These notes begin by considering fundamental questions regarding the nature, extent and effectiveness of information technology regulation before moving on to consider both how the law has responded to the challenges of information technologies, and the extent to which legal issues have shaped the development of information society policy.
Obscenity and Pornography in the Information Society
- Study guide • 16 pages • 2020
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These notes consider how pornographic and obscene content, as well as criminal speech, is regulated in the informational society. It analyses the distinction between indecent content and obscene content and examines how the law applies to child abuse images as well as pseudo-images. 

How should we regulate the problem of online obscenity and indecency? Who should be responsible? Is this a legal issue or a code issue?
Network and Data Sovereignty
- Study guide • 14 pages • 2020
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States retain control over how their citizens behave in the online environment through a host of laws and regulatory initiatives. Cyber-paternalism has prevailed in this way. Moreover, the divide between countries on critical matters such as online freedom of expression is not a new issue. However, in recent years States have become more vocal in their ambitions for network and, more commonly, data sovereignty, with China and Russia being two good examples. However, other regional initiatives re...
Net Neutrality
- Study guide • 15 pages • 2020
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Lecture notes, class notes, academic articles and textbook notes. Ideal for exams, coursework and essays. 

The debate on net neutrality is a debate on the future shape of the internet. It questions whether the internet should remain open and impartial by treating all data packets (irrespective of their content, destination or source) in an identical manner or whether Internet Service Providers (ISPs) can differentiate between data packets when transferring them in order to achieve certain aims ...
State Surveillance
- Study guide • 13 pages • 2020
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The extent to which state surveillance of electronic communications is permissible has been the subject of much debate since Edward Snowden's revelations in the Summer of 2013. State surveillance raises critical questions about how the balance should be struck between the individual's right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence and the State's duty to investigate and thwart serious criminal threats. 

Here, we will examine the legal framework applicable t...
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