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Newest Engineering 2010 QCF summaries
BTEC Level 3 Engineering: Unit 4 (P8) - Mathematics for Engineering Technicians
- Essay • 4 pages • 2020
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You will receive a 3 page fully detailed assignment answer to the following question: 

P8: Collect data and produce statistical diagrams, histograms and frequency curves.

BTEC Level 3 Engineering: Unit 4 – Mathematics for Engineering Technicians
BTEC Level 3 Engineering: Unit 4 (P9) - Mathematics for Engineering Technicians
- Essay • 2 pages • 2020
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- £3.00
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You will receive a 1 page fully detailed assignment answer to the following question: 

P9: Determine the mean, median and mode for two statistical problems.

BTEC Level 3 Engineering: Unit 4 – Mathematics for Engineering Technicians
BTEC Level 3 Engineering: Unit 4 (P6) - Mathematics for Engineering Technicians
- Essay • 3 pages • 2020
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You will receive a 2 page fully detailed assignment answer to the following question: 

P6: Produce answers to two practical engineering problems involving the sine and cosine rule.

BTEC Level 3 Engineering: Unit 4 – Mathematics for Engineering Technicians
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BTEC Level 3 Engineering: Unit 17 (M3) – Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) in Engineering
- Essay • 3 pages • 2020
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You will receive a 2 page fully detailed assignment answer to the following question: M3: Explain how 3D CAD models can be used in the design process.

BTEC Level 3 Engineering: Unit 17 – Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) in Engineering
Assignment 2 - Maintenance Needs in a Complex Engineering System - BTEC Level 3 Engineering: Unit 44 (P4) – Engineering Maintenance Procedures and Techniques
- Essay • 7 pages • 2020
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Assignment 2 - Maintenance Needs in a Complex Engineering System

You will receive a 7 page fully detailed assignment answers to the following criterias: P4.

P4: Identify two items of plant and equipment for a specified engineering system that require maintenance and describe the frequency at which it should be carried out, giving reasons why maintenance is needed.

BTEC Level 3 Engineering: Unit 44 – Engineering Maintenance Procedure...
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BTEC Level 3 Engineering: Unit 44 (D1) – Engineering Maintenance Procedures and Techniques
- Essay • 6 pages • 2020
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- £7.50
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You will receive a 5 page fully detailed assignment answer to the following question: D1: Produce a comprehensive plan for the maintenance of a specified engineered system containing all supporting documentation.

BTEC Level 3 Engineering: Unit 44 – Engineering Maintenance Procedures and Techniques
BTEC Level 3 Engineering: Unit 44 (P7) – Engineering Maintenance Procedures and Techniques
- Essay • 3 pages • 2020
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- £3.50
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You will receive a 2 page fully detailed assignment answer to the following question: P7: Produce a basic maintenance plan for a specified engineering system containing supporting documentation with resource and procedure requirements.

BTEC Level 3 Engineering: Unit 44 – Engineering Maintenance Procedures and Techniques
BTEC Level 3 Engineering: Unit 17 (M2) – Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) in Engineering
- Essay • 5 pages • 2020
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- £5.50
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You will receive a 4 page fully detailed assignment answer to the following question: M2: 
Explain how the range of commands used to produce CAD drawings can impact drawing production.

BTEC Level 3 Engineering: Unit 17 – Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) in Engineering
BTEC Level 3 Engineering: Unit 16 (M1) – Engineering Drawings for Techniques
- Essay • 3 pages • 2020
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- £4.50
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You will receive a 2 page fully detailed assignment answer to the following question: M1: Explain the importance of working to recognised standards when producing engineering drawings.

BTEC Level 3 Engineering: Unit 16 – Engineering Drawings for Technicians
BTEC Level 3 Engineering: Unit 16 (D2) – Engineering Drawings for Techniques
- Essay • 2 pages • 2020
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- £5.00
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You will receive a 1 page fully detailed assignment answer to the following question: D2: Evaluate the impact of the use of 2D and 3D CAD models on final design requirements.

BTEC Level 3 Engineering: Unit 16 – Engineering Drawings for Technicians
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