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TNCC Exam Bundle Questions And Answers Graded A+

TNCC Exam Bundle Questions And Answers Graded A+

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TNCC 8th Edition Exam Questions with complete solution


What are the greatest risks for transport? - ANSWER-Loss of airway patency, displaced obstructive tubes lines or catheters, dislodge splinting devices, need to replace or reinforce dressings, deterioration in patient status change in vital signs or level of consciousness, injury to the patient and/o...

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TNCC 8th Edition Best Graded Exam Questions


The trauma nurse knows that placing a bariatric patient in a "ramped position" provides better visualization during the insertion of which device? - ANSWER-endotracheal tube Tearing of the bridging veins is most frequently associated with which brain injury? - ANSWER-subdural hematoma A pati...

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TNCC Best Graded Exam Questions


C What are the primary benefits of a team approach to trauma care - ANSWER-it provides a systemic approach to care and organizes care A In the primary survey AVPU is performed to determine if the patient can: - ANSWER-Protect their aiway B WHich may lead to unreliable pulse ox reading - ANSWER...

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1. Preparation and Triage 2. Primary Survery (ABCDE) with resuscitation adjuncts (F,G) 3. Reevaluation (consideration of transfer) 4. Secondary Survey (HI) with reevaluation adjuncts 5. Reevaluation and post resuscitation care 6. Definitive care of transfer to an appropriate trauma nurse - ANSW...

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TNCC 8th edition Exam Questions With complete Solution


The major cause of preventable death after injury - ANSWER-Uncontrolled hemorrhage The best measure of the adequacy of cellular perfusion and helps to predict the outcome of resuscitation - ANSWER-Base deficit Examples of primary blast injuries - ANSWER-Blast lung, ruptured tympanic membrane, ...

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TNCC Written Exam Questions Perfectly Answered


What is the best measure of the adequacy of cellular perfusion and helps predict the outcome of resuscitation? - ANSWER-Base deficit used in conjunction with serum lactate Will hypocapnia cause vasoconstriction or vasodilation, especially in the cerebral vasculature? - ANSWER-Vasoconstriction ...

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TNCC final exam test 2022/2024 open book Questions with complete solution


You are treating a 27-year old male in respiratory distress who was involved in a house fire. Calculating TBSA burned is deferred d/t the need for emergent intubation. At what rate should you begin fluid resuscitation? A) 1000 mL/hr B) 500 mL/hr C) 250 mL/hr D) 125 mL/hr - ANSWER-B) 500 mL/hr...

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TNCC Exam Questions Perfectly Answers


Primary concern when a person cannot stop coughing/clearing their throat following house fire/smoke? - ANSWER-Airway/Intubate Lab evidence of cellular perfusion - ANSWER-Base Excess (Less than -6 is BAD) Multiple people are in the ER of different ages who all go to the same church. They all ha...

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TNCC 9th Edition TNP Exam Questions With Correct Answers


What does the J stand for at the end of the secondary survery? - ANSWER-just keep evaluating - vipp What does VIPP stand for? - ANSWER-vital signs, injuries/interventions, primary survey, pain During the head-to-toe, where would you find Grey-Turner's sign? - ANSWER-flank During the head-t...

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TNCC study guide Exam Questions & Answers latest update 2024


Injury to living tissue caused by an external agent that exceeds the tissue's ability to compensate is termed? - ANSWER-trauma what is a process designed to systematically identify and address external and internal injuries caused by trauma? - ANSWER-trauma nurse process what are the 3 mechan...

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TNCC study guide Exam Questions & Answers 100% Accurate


What roles are vital to a trauma team - ANSWER-The patient Team leader-organize team/empower members core team-technical skills- airway/vascular access contingency and support survices- RT Characterisitcs of an effective team - ANSWER-dynamic interdependent adaptive common goal COMMU...

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TNCC 9th Edition Exam Questions With Complete Solution


You are caring for a patient who was thrown from a bike and was not wearing a helmet. While performing the head-to-toe assessment, you note clear drainage from the right ear. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step? A. Clean the ear with a cotton-tipped applicator. B. Pack the e...

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TNCC Exam Questions And Answers 100% Accurate


1. State the need to activate the trauma team - ANSWER- 2. State the need to prepare the trauma room - ANSWER-Equipment may include, but is not limited to, the following: -fluid warmer -pediatric equipment -bariatric equipment difficult airway or IV equipment

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Trauma Nursing Process - TNP - TNCC 9th Ed Exam Questions With Complete solution


What should you ask yourself after completing all of your interventions and reassessments? - ANSWER-Does this patient need to be transferred to another hospital, to surgery, or to critical care? What happens prior to patient arrival? 1-3 - ANSWER-1. Activate trauma team 2. Prepare trauma room 3...

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TNCC Exam Questions & Answers 100% verified


Major cause of death 1-44 - ANSWER-Trauma: major cause of death for people ages 1-44 years Epidemiology: Unintentional injury is a leading cause of death across all age groups in the US - ANSWER-• 65+ falls are the leading cause of injury-related deaths • 25-64: poisoning is the leading caus...

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TNCC Study Guide Exam Questions With Complete solution


What roles are vital to a trauma team? - ANSWER-1. Patient 2. Team leader 3. Core team 4. Contingency and support services What are the characteristics of an effective team? - ANSWER-1. Clear roles and responsibilities 2. Shared mental model 3. Optimize resources 4. Strong team leadership...

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TNCC Exam Questions & Answers 100% Accurate


Energy forces: Tension - ANSWER-forces stretch by pulling at opposite ends. Example: Tensile strength describes the tissues ability to resist pulling apart when stretched. Tendons, ligaments, and muscles can tear when they are overstretched (Achilles tendon) Energy Forces: Compression - ANSWE...

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TNCC test prepA, TNCC Notes for Written Exam, TNCC Notes for Written Exam, TNCC Prep, TNCC EXAM, TNCC 8th Edition with complete solved solution


Expedite transfer to the closest trauma center - ANSWER-A 56 y/o M pt involved in a motor vehicle crash is brought to the ED of a rural critical access facility. He complains of neck pain, SOB, and diffuse abd pain. His GCS is 15. His VS: BP 98/71, HR 125, RR 26, SpO2 94% on high-flow O2 via NRB mas...

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TNCC Exam Questions with verified Answers


Prepare and triage - ANSWER-I will need to activate the triage team I will need to prepare the trauma room - this may not include and is not limited to 1) fluid warmer 2) peds equipment 3) bariatric equipment 4) difficult airway 5) IV equipment I will need to don PPE and consider the p...

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TNCC pre exam Question With Accurate Solution


The vital signs of a pregnant trauma patient at 30 weeks include a blood pressure of 94/62 mm Hg and a heart rate of 108 beats/minute. Fetal heart tones are 124 beats/minute. The emergency nurse interprets the patient's hemodynamic findings as an indication of which of the following? A. Decompensa...

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TNCC Exam Questions perfectly Answered


States the need to activate the trauma team - ANSWER-The trauma team is activated States the need to prepare the trauma room - ANSWER-Preparation is complete States the need to don personal protective equipment (PPE) - ANSWER-PPE has been donned by the team Assesses for obvious uncontrolled...

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TNCC Best Graded Exam Questions


What does the Primary survey begin with in the TNP? - ANSWER-Across the room observation What is the main goal of primary survey during a trauma? - ANSWER-to immediately identify all life threatening conditions that can cause death within a few minutes of presentation What is the major cause o...

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TNCC Test 8th Edition Exam Questions With complete Solutions


A 56 y/o M involved in a MVC is brought to the ED. He complains of neck pain, SOB, and diffuse abdominal pain. His GCS is 15, VS: BP 98/71, HR 125, RR 26, SpO2 94% on high-flow O2 via NRB mask. Which is the priority intervention for this patient? - ANSWER-Expedite transfer to the closest trauma cent...

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TNCC 9th Edition Exam Questions & Answers 100% Accurate


A patient fell two weeks ago, striking their head. Today, the patient presented with a persistent headache and nausea and was diagnosed with a small subdural hematoma. The patient has been in the ED for 24 hours awaiting an inpatient bed. The night shift nurse reports the patient has been anxious, r...

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TNCC Exam 8th edition study Questions with Correct Answers


1.What is the effect of hypothermia on the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve - ANSWER-Hemoglobin does not readily release oxygen for use by the tissues A shift to the left occurs in an environment of low metabolic demand (hypothermia, hypocapnia, alkalosis), increasing hemoglobin's affinity for oxyg...

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TNCC Exam 8th edition study Questions perfectly Answered


1.What is the effect of hypothermia on the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve - ANSWER-Hemoglobin does not readily release oxygen for use by the tissues A shift to the left occurs in an environment of low metabolic demand (hypothermia, hypocapnia, alkalosis), increasing hemoglobin's affinity for oxyg...

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TNCC Exam Questions With Complete Solution


what is TNCC? - ANSWER-Trauma Nursing Core Course what forms of energy are there? - ANSWER-chemical, electrical, mechanical, radiant, thermal What is kinetic energy? - ANSWER-the energy of a body in motion amount of KE depends on what? - ANSWER-mass and velocity rollover collisions with ...

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TNCC Best Graded Exam Questions


Normal levels of intracranial pressure - ANSWER-0-15 What is CPP and what is the normal range? - ANSWER-Cerebral perfusion pressure- measure of how much blood is getting to the brain Range for brain to auto regulate: 50-160 Role of MAP in TBI - ANSWER-if CPP isn't in normal range than MAP ...

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TNCC 9th edi. Test Prep Questions With Correct Answers


An adult patient who sustained a severe head trauma has been intubated and has been manually ventilated via a bag mask device at a rate of 18 breaths per minute. The patient has received one intravenous fluid bolus of 500 ML of warmed isotonic crystalloid solution. The PaCO2 is 30 and a pulse ox sym...

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TNCC TNP Exam Questions Perfectly Answered


1 - Trauma Activation - ANSWER-State need for trauma activation 2 - Is there any specific equipment that you would prepare? - ANSWER-State need to prepare trauma room Don PPE 3 - The patient has just arrived - ANSWER-Across the room observation. Is there any uncontrolled bleeding? If so, cont...

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TNCC Clinical Pearls Exam Questions with Accurate Answers


KE - ANSWER-Speed increases energy by the square of the velocity and can influence the extent of injury. However, the action of stopping must also be considered. Speed increases the risk of injury, but energy transfer occurs during the "stop," when energy is exerted and applied to the tissues upon...

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TNCC Exam Questions & Answers 100% Accurate


Confirm ETT placement - ANSWER-An intubated trauma pt is being transferred to a tertiary care center. After moving the patient to the stretcher for transport, a drop in pulse oximetry to 85% is noted. What is the priority intervention? Apply a splint and elevate the extremity above the level of t...

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TNCC ENA 9th Edition Pre Test Questions & Answers graded A+


A patient arrives at the emergency department by private vehicle after sustaining an injury to the right lower extremity while using a saw. There is a large gaping wound to the right thigh area with significant bleeding. What is the priority intervention? A. Elevate the extremity to the level of th...

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TNCC Exam Questions & Answers 100% verified


Primary survey - ANSWER-ABCDE with resuscitation adjuncts FG What does ABCDE/FG stand for - ANSWER-A airway/alertness/w simultaneous cervical spinal stabilization B-breathing/ventilation C-circ/control of hemorrhage D-disability (neuro status) E-exposure/environment control F-full VS/family ...

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TNCC Questions & Answers


Biomechanics - ANSWER-is the general study of forces and their effects kinematics - ANSWER-the study of energy transfer as it applies to identifying actual or potential injuries Mechanism of Injury (MOI) - ANSWER-is how external forces are transferred to the body, resulting in injury Newton...

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TNCC Exam Questions With Accurate Answers


PPH - ANSWER-Activate, prepare, ppe, hemorrhage A - ANSWER-AVPU & Airway (tongue, teeth, edema, blood) B - ANSWER-Breathing (work, sym, rate, color) C - ANSWER-Circulation (hem, pulse, color, temp, moisture) D - ANSWER-Disability (GCS, pupils) E - ANSWER-Exposure (remove clothes, hem,...

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TNCC Exam with verified Answers


What is kinetic energy (KE)? - ANSWER-KE equals 1/2 the mass (M) multiplied by the velocity squared. What is the Mnemonic for the Initial Assessment? - ANSWER-A = Airway with simultaneous cervical spine protection B = Breathing C = Circulation D = Disability (neurologic status) E = Expose/Env...

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TNCC Assessment Questions With Accurate Answers


After report - ANSWER-Activate trauma team Get room ready -suction -chest tube? -IV kit Don PPE Across Room - ANSWER-Check for active hemorrhage A - ANSWER-Alert (AVPU) Airway (with c spine) 4 -tongue -secretions -edema -snoring

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TNCC Exam Questions With Complete verified solutions


Patient report is given - ANSWER-"I'll activate the trauma team" The trauma team is activated - ANSWER-"I'll prepare the trauma room with a rapid infuser and chest trauma equipment." Preparation is complete - ANSWER-"I'll don a led jacket and yellow gown" PPE has been donned by the...

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TNCC Exam Questions & Answers


Prep & Triage - ANSWER-1. Activate trauma team and assign roles 2. Prepare the room and equipment 3. Don PPE General Impression - ANSWER-Assess for uncontrolled hemorrhage or unresponsiveness / apnea and the need to re-prioritize C-ABC Gen. Impression interventions - ANSWER-Interventions to ...

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TNCC Initial Assessment Questions & Answers 100% Accurate


A - ANSWER-- Across the room observation for uncontrolled hemorrhage - Airway and alertness (w/ simultaneous c-spine stabilization) B - ANSWER-Breathing and ventilation C - ANSWER-- Circulation - Control of hemorrhage D - ANSWER-Disability E - ANSWER-Exposure and environmental control...

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TNCC Exam 8th edition study Questions & Answers 100% verified


All of these are considered a critical communication point in trauma care EXCEPT which of the following? - ANSWER-Defusings A defusing is part of critical incident stress management but is not considered a critical communication point in trauma care. .During the primary survey of an unconscious p...

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TNCC, Tncc, TNCC Written Exam, TNCC Written Exam, TNCC class, TNCC/TCRN, TNCC Written Exam Review, TNCC, TNCC Skill Demonstration, Tncc, TNCC, TNCC EXAM, TNCC Written Exam, TNCC Written Exam, Tncc, TNCC, Trauma Nursing II, TNCC feb 2018/2024


Primary concern when a person cannot stop coughing/clearing their throat following house fire/smoke? - ANSWER-Airway/Intubate Lab evidence of cellular perfusion - ANSWER-Base Excess (Less than -6 is BAD) Multiple people are in the ER of different ages who all go to the same church. They all ha...

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TNCC Mnemonics Exam Questions & Answers 100% Correct


RESPOND - ANSWER-Reassure Establish rapport Support patient Plan care, manage Pain Offer hope Never deliver news alone Determine patient needs MIST - ANSWER-Mechanism of injury Injuries sustained Signs and symptoms in the field Treatment in the field Primary Survey - ANSWER-Airway and...

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TNCC | Initial Assessment Questions & Answers 100% Accurate


What are the guidelines for field triage of injured patients? - ANSWER-Transport patients with the greatest degree of injury to highest level of care. Examples of physiologic derangements. - ANSWER-GCS <13 SBP <90 RR <10 or >29 Need for ventilatory support Examples of anatomical...

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Tncc Exam Questions Perfectly Answered


CSI - ANSWER-Cervical spinal Injury Manual stabilization - ANSWER-Two hands holding head and neck in alignment Immobilization (Neck) - ANSWER-Semi-rigid cervical collar securely fastened ( Miami j ) AVPU - ANSWER-Alert Verbal stimuli Pain Unresponsive Alert - ANSWER-May maintain air...

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tncc exam Questions & Answers (Rated A+)


A - ANSWER-Airway--edema, vomit/blood, loose teeth, tongue obstruction, vocalization. Look in mouth, clear all/suction, maintain c-spine, cricothyrotomy or intubate as needed. B - ANSWER-Breathing--chest rise (symmetrical), rate and depth, accessory muscles, breath sounds, skin color. Do suppleme...

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TNCC Exam Questions & Answers 100% Accurate


what organs tolerate pressure wave energy better? - ANSWER-solid organs (heart, liver, spleen, kidneys, pancreas, uterus) Highest rate of TBI related hospitalizations and death occurs in... - ANSWER-males ages 0 to 4 What organs resist shearing forces better? - ANSWER-air filled organs (lungs,...

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TNCC Skill Stations Exam Questions & Answers with verified Answers


Preparation & Triage - ANSWER-Safe Practice, Safe Care Right time Right resources Activate trauma team & prepare Trauma Room Across-the-room Observation - ANSWER-Uncontrolled hemorrhage? - Reprioritize to <C>ABC A- Airway & Alertness (C-Spine stabilization) - ANSWER-- *Assess LOC via...

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TNCC/ENPC Primary Assessment Questions with Accurate Answers


A. (Know at least 4) - ANSWER-Airway & Alertness: the three Ts - Talk/vocalization/AVPU - Tongue obstruction - Loose teeth - Blood, vomitus, secretions, edema B. (Know at least 3) - ANSWER-Breathing & Ventilation: BRRO - Breathing spontaneously? - Rise & fall of chest/symmetry - Rate and...

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TNCC Exam Questions & Answers 100% verified


1. Pre-Hospital MIST Report - ANSWER--Age -Sex -Mechanism and Details of Injury -Mental Status -Vitals (BP, HR, RR, O2) -C Spine or Backboard? -IV Access? -Meds given (including fluids and Oxygen) 2. Preparation and Triage - ANSWER-1. State need to activate Trauma Team ("Trauma Team Activ...

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TNCC - Airway and Ventilation Exam Questions With verified Answers


Airway Obstructions - ANSWER--Tongue obstruction -Altered LOC -Maxillofacial trauma -Vomiting -Injury to neck and larynx Causes of Ineffective Ventilation - ANSWER--Altered mental status -Prolonged loss of consciousness -Increased ICP -Hypoxia -High cervical spinal trauma -Blunt or penet...

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TNCC exam Questions With Accurate solutions


Able to assess what is needed in the Trauma Room - ANSWER-Ex: Fluid warmer, pediatric/bariatric equipment, difficult airway or IV equipment If there is obvious uncontrolled external hemorrhage, where do you start? - ANSWER-Start with "C" Circulation. Initiate IV fluid and blood replacement befo...

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TNCC check off Exam Questions & Answers 100% Accurate


Prepare for trauma: equipment - ANSWER-PPE IS there uncontrolled bleeding? - ANSWER-Go straight to circulation A: alertness and airway - ANSWER-Jaw and thrust (make sure to keep c-spine) Foreign object? Blood, vomit, secretions? Edema? Bony deformities of face? Tongue obstruction? AVPU...

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TNCC class Exam Questions With Complete Solutions


What is kinetic energy (KE)? - ANSWER-KE equals 1/2 the mass (M) multiplied by the velocity squared. What is the Mnemonic for the Initial Assessment? - ANSWER-A = Airway with simultaneous cervical spine protection B = Breathing C = Circulation D = Disability (neurologic status) E = Expose/Env...

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TNCC Questions & Answers 100% correct


*Must Identify ALL 3* •Inspects for any uncontrolled external hemorrhage • Palpates a central pulse • Inspects AND palpates the skin for color, temperature, and moisture - ANSWER-(TNP) Circulation and Control of Hemorrhage

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TNCC study guide Exam Questions With Accurate Solutions


what roles are vital to a trauma team? - ANSWER-The Pt, team leader, care team, support services (anesthesia, RT, paramedics) what are the characteristics of an effective team? - ANSWER-Dynamic, interdependent, adaptive What are the key foundations to successful teamwork in the care of the tra...

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TNCC 8th Edition Exam Quetions With Verified Answers


MARCH mneumonic - ANSWER-Massive Hemorrhage: Control with combat gauze, celox gauze, or chito gauze; replacement of blood loss with whole blood or 1:1:1 ratio of plasma, RBC, and platelets to achieve SBP of 80-90mmHg. Airway: Establish and maintain patent airway Respiration: Decompress suspected ...

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TNCC practice Exam Questions With Accurate Answers


What is the key to a high performing trauma team? - ANSWER-Effective communication When obtaining a history for an injured patient, determining energy transfer through biochemical data help the nurse to: - ANSWER-prepare for and anticipate injuries The major preventable cause of death in the t...

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TNCC focused Exam Questions With Accurate Solutions


What kind of approach is used by all members of the trauma team to provide optimal care for the trauma patient? - ANSWER-A systematic, organized approach. What is the minimum acceptable urinary output? - ANSWER-0.5mL/kg/hr What does SCIWORA stand for? - ANSWER-Spinal Cord Injury With Out Radio...

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TNCC practice exam with Perfectly Answered Answers


What is the key to a high-performance trauma team? A. Individual goals B. Use of TeamSTEPPS C. Identification of a single decision maker D. Effective communication - ANSWER-D. Effective communication When obtaining a history for an injured patient, understanding the kinematic concepts assoc...

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TNCC 8TH Exam Questions With Accurate Answers


The nurse is caring for a 120 kg male brought in after a warehouse fire and is calculating the patients fluid resuscitation needs. He has painful red blistering to the entire surface of both upper extremities and superficial burns to the anterior chest. Using the modified Lund and Browder chart to c...

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After getting your MIST report, what 3 things should you do? - ANSWER-1. Activate Trauma Team 2. Prepare the room and equiptment 3. Don PPE What needs to happen as soon as the patient arrives? - ANSWER-The across-the-room assessment. Assess for any uncontrolled bleeding or hemorrhage. If b...

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TNCC 8th edition exam questions & answers rated A+


TNP Trauma Nursing Process - ANSWER-Rienforces a systemic and standardized approach to trauma nursing care and skills using an intergeated approach to trauma teamwork, communication and collabration Trauma - ANSWER-Leading cause of death ages 1-44 approx one person every 3 min brief - ANSWER-P...

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TNCC 8th Edition Provider Exam Questions with highest Ratings


EMS brings a patient who fell while riding his bicycle. Using the American College of Surgeons screening guidelines, which assessment finding would prompt the nurse to prepare the patient for radiologic spine clearance? - ANSWER-Alert with no neurological deficits The trauma nurse knows that plac...

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TNCC final exam test 2022 open book Questions & Answers Graded A+


Why is a measure of serum lactate obtained in the initial assessment of the trauma patient? a) to measure oxygenation and ventilation b) to quantify the base deficit for the adequacy of cellular perfusion c) to gauge end-organ perfusion and tissue hypoxia d) to determine the underlying cause ...

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TNCC 8th Edition Provider Exam Questions & Answers Rated A+


EMS brings a patient who fell while riding his bicycle. Using the American College of Surgeons screening guidelines, which assessment finding would prompt the nurse to prepare the patient for radiologic spine clearance? - ANSWER-Alert with no neurological deficits The trauma nurse knows that plac...

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Trauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC)- 9th edition Exam Questions With Complete Solutions


Why is alertness included in the airway assessment? - ANSWER-Including this helps evaluate the patient's ability to protect their own airway What pneumonic is used to assess a patient level of alertness? - ANSWER-A: Alert V: Responds to verbal stimuli P: Responds to pain U: Unresponsive Wh...

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TNCC Best Rated Exam Questions


What do you do to prepare for the trauma after EMS report? - ANSWER-- activate code trauma - prepare team, assign roles - gather supplies - PPE - safety/ decontamination What is the first thing you do when the pt arrives? - ANSWER-General impression/ across the room assessment Is pt uncont...

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TNCC Practice Exam Questions With complete solution


What is the key to a high-performance trauma team? a. Individual goals b. Use of TeamSTEPPS c. Identification of a single decision maker d. Effective communication - ANSWER-d. Effective communication Rationale: Skilled communication, cooperation, and coordination are the cornerstones of high-...

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TNCC Exam perfectly Answered


Primary concern when a person cannot stop coughing/clearing their throat following house fire/smoke? - ANSWER-Airway/Intubate Lab evidence of cellular perfusion - ANSWER-Base Excess (Less than -6 is BAD) Multiple people are in the ER of different ages who all go to the same church. They all ha...

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TNCC 9th Edition Exam Perfectly Answers


A patient fell two weeks ago, striking their head. Today, the patient presented with a persistent headache and nausea and was diagnosed with a small subdural hematoma. The patient has been in the ED for 24 hours awaiting an inpatient bed. The night shift nurse reports the patient has been anxious, r...

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TNCC Complete Questions & Answers


What is the key to a high performing trauma team? - ANSWER-Consistent communication (Communication, cooperation, and coordination are the foundations of successful teamwork in trauma care p.6) When obtaining a history for an injured patient, determining energy transfer through biomechanical data...

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TNCC test prepA Questions with Complete Answers


Expedite transfer to the closest trauma center - ANSWER-A 56 y/o M pt involved in a motor vehicle crash is brought to the ED of a rural critical access facility. He complains of neck pain, SOB, and diffuse abd pain. His GCS is 15. His VS: BP 98/71, HR 125, RR 26, SpO2 94% on high-flow O2 via NRB mas...

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TNCC Exam Questions & Answers 100% Correct


Primary concern when a person cannot stop coughing/clearing their throat following house fire/smoke? - ANSWER-Airway/Intubate Lab evidence of cellular perfusion - ANSWER-Base Excess (Less than -6 is BAD) Multiple people are in the ER of different ages who all go to the same church. They all ha...

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TNCC TNP Exam Questions with accurate Answers


1 - Trauma Activation - ANSWER-State need for trauma activation 2 - Is there any specific equipment that you would prepare? - ANSWER-State need to prepare trauma room Don PPE 3 - The patient has just arrived - ANSWER-Across the room observation. Is there any uncontrolled bleeding? If so, cont...

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TNCC Questions & Answers Graded A


Major cause of death 1-44 - ANSWER-Trauma: major cause of death for people ages 1-44 years Epidemiology: Unintentional injury is a leading cause of death across all age groups in the US - ANSWER-• 65+ falls are the leading cause of injury-related deaths • 25-64: poisoning is the leading caus...

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TNCC Questions With Correct Answers


What roles are vital to a trauma team? - ANSWER--The patient -The team leader -Core team -Contigency and support services What are the characteristics of an effective team? - ANSWER-- Clear roles and responsibilities - Shared mental model - Optimize resources - Strong team leadership - E...

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TNCC Spinal cord and vertebral column trauma Questions With Correct Solution


Spinal shock - ANSWER-At and below the level of spinal injury normal activity ceases, flaccidity, incontinence Spinal shock cause - ANSWER-Injury to spinal cord at any level Injury between T1 and T11 - ANSWER-Hypoventillation Central cord syndrome - ANSWER-Decreased function of upper extrem...

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TNCC verbal Exam Questions & Answers 100% Accurate


Initial - ANSWER-Activate Trauma, special equp, PPE REprior CABC? Across the room assessment AVPU, cervical stabilization A - ANSWER-Check airway for patency Tongue, Blood, secreations, teeth, trash, swelling/edema Interventions OPA, NPA, Tube REassess B - ANSWER-Breathing Spontaneous Che...

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TNCC Overview Questions With Complete Solution


A - ANSWER-Airway and Alertness with simultaneous cervical spinal stabilization B - ANSWER-Breathing and Ventilation C - ANSWER-Circulation and Control of Hemorrhage D - ANSWER-Disability (neurologic status) E - ANSWER-Exposure and Environmental control F - ANSWER-Full set of Vital Si...

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TNCC Exam Perfectly Answered


C What are the primary benefits of a team approach to trauma care - ANSWER-it provides a systemic approach to care and organizes care A In the primary survey AVPU is performed to determine if the patient can: - ANSWER-Protect their aiway B WHich may lead to unreliable pulse ox reading - ANSWER...

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TNCC - Shock Exam Questions With verified Answers


Shock - ANSWER-Inadequate tissue perfusion Hypovolemic Shock - ANSWER--Loss of circulating blood volume -Loss of plasma from intravascular space -Decreased preload -Decreased cardiac output -Replace lost volumer Obstructive Shock - ANSWER--Obstruction and prevention of function of vasculat...

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TNCC Exam Questions & Answers 100% Correct


PRIMARY - ANSWER-Blast lung primary - ANSWER-rupture of tympanic membranes/middle ear damage primary - ANSWER-abdominal hemorrhage and perforation primary - ANSWER-eye rupture primary - ANSWER-TBI, concussion secondary - ANSWER-wounds from flying debris secondary - ANSWER-eye penet...

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TNCC Burn and Surface Trauma Best Rated Exam Questions


Frostbite treatment - ANSWER-Rewarm area over 15 to 30 minutes in controlled temperature water (98.6-102.2) Give pain medicine Avoid friction or rubbing carbon monoxide poisoning - ANSWER-CO replaces oxygen and hemoglobin creating carboxyhemoglobin s/s headache, confusion, nausea or vomiting...

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TNCC Questions With verified solution


C What are the primary benefits of a team approach to trauma care - ANSWER-it provides a systemic approach to care and organizes care A In the primary survey AVPU is performed to determine if the patient can: - ANSWER-Protect their aiway B WHich may lead to unreliable pulse ox reading - ANSWER...

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