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This is a colour-coded essay plan analysing the role of the British Government in the success/failure of Irish nationalism between 1800 and 1850. It includes the work of Daniel O'Connell, Robert Peel, Thomas Davis, and Robert Emmet. Using this essay plan, I have written an essay which received full marks (40/40). Happy studying!
This document provides a summary of two critical articles from two different historians (Cynthia Smith and Russell Rees) on the reasons for the Great Irish Potato Famine, especially the role of the landlords and the English. I found this really useful in planning my essays, and it can be used for any exam board covering this topic. Happy studying!
These are my compiled history notes for 5o years on Irish nationalism for A Level History. This document covers Grattan (1800) to Davis (1848) in depth. This document is 27 pages long and helps to point out links between different Irish nationalist leaders, as well as their successes and failures. I have found it particularly useful for essay writing. Happy studying!
This document is a collection of flashcards explaining the Home Rule movement, crisis and history in Ireland at the start of the 20th Century. Happy studying!
This is an essay which analyses the role of the British Government in the successes and failures of Irish nationalism between 1800 and 1850. I received an A+ for this essay, and hope it's helpful! Happy studying!
`This document is an essay plan for an essay analysing the role of popular support in Irish nationalism () and Irish unionism (). This plan is all I needed to know to get top marks in this essay. Happy studying!
This document contains my complete notes for the Anglo-Irish Treaty in A-Level History. As well as a thematic analysis of British and Irish successes and failures, I have included a timeline. Happy studying!
This essay explores different interpretations for the Home Rule Crisis in Ireland and the United Kingdom at the start of the 20th Century, exploring different arguments from Jalland and Jenkins. This essay received an A+ and can be used as a sample answer or to plan your own essays. Happy studying!
This document explores how the strengths of Sinn Fein as an independent party allowed it to succeed in the 1918 general election, and I have found it particularly useful in essay planning. Happy studying!