Condition Summary Epidemiology Pathophysiology Prognosis Aetiology Risk Factors S/S Investigations DDs Treatment Complications
B12: autoimmune reduction B12: neurological
B12 combines with intrinsic
in IF production, gastrectomy, Dyspnoea; fatigue; B12: IM B12 changes, infertility,
factor (IF) to form an IF-B12 Alcoholic liver
Anaemia (low RBC/ Good if treated Crohn’s, vegan diet, PPIs, palpitations; pallor; injection, diet gastric cancer, neural
Anaemia haemoglobin) due to complex that binds to receptors appropriately; if left immunosuppression Vitamin B12- diarrhoea; glossitis; Blood smear; FBC; disease;
advice tube defects
in the ileum, allowing B12 myelodysplastic
(macrocytic; increased MCV; M<F
absorption; autoimmune
untreated, deficiency; folate- anorexia; peripheral reticulocytes; B12/
either megaloblastic neurological changes Folate: coeliac, alcoholism, deficiency neuropathy; vibration/ folate/iron levels Folate: oral folic Folate: infertility,
B12-deficiency) or non-megaloblastic destruction of gastric mucosa may be irreversible nitrofurantoin, methotrexate, proprioception loss; hypothyroidism;
acid, check B12 CVD, cancer,
reduces the secretion of IF, reticulocytosis
trimethoprim, unstable gait; dementia level, diet advice preterm birth, neural
reducing B12 absorption
immunosuppression tube defects
Iron is absorbed in the jejunum Oral iron
Dependent on cause Occurs when iron absorption Black women; Blood smear; FBC; Anaemia of Cognitive/muscular
and used in the formation of Fatigue; pica; alopecia; replacement
Anaemia Anaemia (low RBC/ Black and pre- haem; if more iron is lost (from from diet is insufficient to pregnancy; vegan koilonychia; impaired reticulocytes; B12/ chronic disease; performance
haemoglobin) due to menopausal Good if due to cover losses (e.g. inadequate diet; menorrhagia; folate/iron; disorders of impairment; preterm
(microcytic; lack of iron (Fe)- women
pathology, RBC turnover, etc.)
pregnancy and poor diet, coeliac, neoplasm, haemodialysis;
muscular performance;
haemoglobin; MCV; globin synthesis
+ ascorbic acid;
delivery; high output
than can be absorbed, iron glossitis; angular parenteral iron
Fe-deficiency) deficiency M<F stores deplete and the patient if due to chronic GI bleed, menses, coeliac disease; stomatitis haemocrit; platelets; (thalassaemias); replacement; cardiac failure;
GI cancer diverticulosis, UC, pregnancy) gastrectomy endoscopy lead intoxication developmental delay
becomes deficient RBC transfusion
Malignancy of the
Lymphadenopathy; B Non-Hodgkin’s
lymphoid system, In EBV-positive patients, viral Excellent for Ann Unknown EBV; young adults
symptoms; mediastinal FBC; U&Es; LFTs; lymphoma;
arising from mature B proteins allow infected, abnormal Arbour stages 1-2; from higher Chemo/radio-related
Lymphoma cells; characterised Bimodal with peaks B cells to evade apoptosis and recurrence is the Likely multifactorial; Reed- socioeconomic adenopathy (dyspnoea, ESR; CXR; PET-CT; lymphadenopathy Chemotherapy; complications;
(Hodgkin’s) at 25y/o and 55y/o dry cough, chest pain, lymph node biopsy; from other radiotherapy
by the presence of replicate in an uncontrolled leading cause of Sternberg cells harbour EBV class; Jewish impaired immunity
SVC syndrome); bone marrow biopsy malignancy;
Hodgkin’s and Reed- manner death in large number of cases ancestry
hepato/splenomegaly glandular fever
Sternberg cells
Malignancy of the Dependent on type, Chemo/radio-related
Hodgkin’s Chemotherapy;
lymphoid system, Genetic mutation occurs during stage, treatment and EBV; Hepatitis C; H. pylori; Immunodeficient; Blood smear; FBC; complications;
Lymphoma Fatigue; B symptoms; lymphoma; ALL; radiotherapy;
arising from B or T White adult >50y/o the different stages of B/T cell comorbidities; worse Sjogren’s syndrome; RA; EBV; H. pylori; U&Es; LFTs; lymph tumour lysis
lymphadenopathy; glandular fever; growth factor;
(Non-Hodgkin’s) cells; characterised M>F maturation, leading to different with B symptoms, SLE; coeliac disease; HIV; Hepatitis C; node biopsy; bone syndrome; bone
hepato/splenomegaly Hepatitis C; CMV; anti-microbial
by the absence of malignant phenotypes lymphadenopathy or immunodeficient state RA; SLE marrow biopsy marrow transplant-
TB; HIV prophylaxis
Hodgkin’s cells organomegaly related complications