Temple Royer-Martin
Subject: Introduction to marketing
In this report I will be describing and explaining the different types of Limitations and
Constraints of Marketing techniques used by my two chosen businesses. The businesses
that I have chosen are Asda and Apple which are two contrasting businesses as they
provide two different types of products and services. This report will also include a
discussion of the following legal constraints and adherence to voluntary codes, Legal
constraints, an example of this is Sale of Goods Act 1979. Secondly, Voluntary constraints
and an example of this is Code of Advertising Practice. Pressure groups and consumerism is
also going to be included in my discussion and an example of this is CBI which is formally
known as , confederation of British Industry. Lastly, Advertising Practices, for example
Acceptable Language. I would be using these real world example of each limitation and
constraint identified in order to illustrate my points.
To be able to describe the ASDA
limitations and constraints of
marketing techniques used by
each business
Legal Constraints When you purchase an Apple You can have an ASDA credit
hardware product, you will also card that have multiple
● Consumer credit Acts 1974 receive coverage from the apple benefits. An example of the
& 2006 Limited Warranty. When using benefits are, is that it won’t
Apple's’ limited warranty, it is affect your credit score. You
The Consumer credit Acts is an act included at no additional cost. can get 1% cashback on all
of the Parliament within the United Under the consumer law, asda spend. Also, you can get
Kingdom that reformed the law consumers may choose to have 0.2 cashbook on all other
relating to consumer credit within defective goods or goods which do purchases. There is annual
the United Kingdom. It is also an not confirm with the contract sale fee. The balance transfer 0%
act to establish for the protection of either repaired or replaced free of for 12 months. The
consumers a new system, charge. If a repair or replacement representative APR is 19.9%
administered by the director is not possible, would impose a variable which means the
general of Fair Trading, of disproportionate burden on the annual percentage rate is
licensing and other control of seller, or could not be performed in 19.9%. If Asda changed the
traders concerned with the a reasonable time and without representative APR it would
provision of credit, or the supply of significant inconvenience to the be illegal.
goods on hire or hire-purchase, consumer, the consumer may According to
and their transactions, in place of choose either to have the price https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/art
the present entactments regulating reduced or to withdraw from the icles/changes-employment-
moneylenders, pawnbrokers and contrac conditions “neither you or
hire-purchase traders and their t by returning the product in your employer can change
transactions and for related exchange for a full refund. If Apple your employment contract
matters. chooses to change the contract without each others’
irregardless of notifying the agreement. In addition,