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Unit 12 - Public Health - Task 1 (P1, P2, M1)
P1 - Describe key aspects of public health strategies
Being able to identify the health needs of the population
In order to identify the health needs of a population, trends and patterns have to be formed
(established), this way it can be identified. For example, to prevent people from getting
HIV, the government and the NHS can work together to provide free methods of contra-
ception, for example condoms. This can encourage people to start using contraception so
less people end up getting STDs. Also in hospitals, all patients that are to receive injec-
tions from nurses or doctors should have a clean needle being used on them.
Monitoring the health status of population
This might take place by alarming the NHS to any problems that might occur. For example
when working with the NHS in order to find out how many people have an illness or a
virus, it will allow the NHS to look after and monitor the patients and they will be able to
take further action. Health in areas is usually monitored by local authorities by data that is
colleged from NHS services e/g Gp, hospitals, dentists. This data allows local authorities
to pinpoint where certain health problems lie. For example a local council might have data
on a particular area having a lot of people with heart disease, another area might have lots
of people who are overweight. Data will allow local councils to monitor health and health
conditions within an area.
Identify the health needs of the population
These are many patterns or trends that need to be identified in order to control any impli-
cations that might happen. For example when the government and the NHS work together
to provide free condoms to people of the public. This is a good move because it will higher
the chances of preventing sexually transmitted diseases. As well as this, the NHS and the
government can work together to help prevent the spread of viruses by providing free vac-
cinations to people.
Develop programs to reduce the risk and screen for disease early on
This is about reducing ill health, ill health can be reduced by promoting information about
being tested and checked up on regularly so if any illness is spotted early, treatment can
be provided sooner rather than later. So the NHS can advertise by making short quick in-
formative videos and short catchy slogans to encourage people to get regular check ups
and to speak up if they have any concerns about their health.
Controlling communicable disease
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Having immunisation can lower the danger of the infection or the disease within a popula-
tion. For example tracking the number of people who have the measles, the NHS can pro-
vide medication and drugs to people who have it. It can also be prevented by having stan-
dards in measure like having vaccinations, medications and having less light in homes,
and keeping cool.
Promoting health of the population
Eating poor quality food in high amounts on a regular basis is linked to increasing the risk
of a person developing medical conditions such as heart disease, stroke, high cholesterol,
cancer and type 2 diabetes. Poor quality food includes things such as muffins, fries, burg-
ers, cakes, pizza, doughnuts and pretzels. Foods that contain high amounts of fat and
sugar can lead to health complications. In the UK alone, 6 out of every 10 adults have high
cholesterol. High cholesterol is an illness whereby an individual has too much fatty sub-
stance in their blood. With that example, eating too much saturated fat, red meat, baked
cookies or microwaved popcorn can increase cholesterol. So to promote health and
healthy eating to improve people’s diets, the NHS and the government can develop cam-
paigns for all ages to help educate them more about what food they put into their bodies
and what those foods are doing. In schools and universities, the NHS can promote pro-
grams and workshops to teach the younger generation about how important it is to have
better choices of food so they don’t develop any medical conditions in the future. There
can also be short videos of advertisements on the tv, images on public transport and on-
line with short catchy slogans to try and support and advise people to stay away from poor
quality foods. Campaigns can help promote the importance of eating healthier foods such
as fruits and veggies, this might encourage people to eat less fatty foods and to consume
more healthier options.
Planning and evaluating the provision of health and social care
The current provision of health should be reviewed in order to see if they are having a
good impact on current issues. For example, if hospitals don’t follow the policies and pro-
cedures given to them that were given to reduce the risk of HIV, if this isn’t being followed
then the government will need to come up with another plan to help reintroduce new pro-
cedures that need to be followed.
P2 - Describe the origins of public health policy in the UK from the 19th century to the
present day
Why does the government protect and promote health ?
In the UK some people suffer from a poor lifestyle,cancer, heart disease, liver problems,
alcohol problems, obesity, poor diet, diabetes and many other serious health conditions.
The government has an important role in this because they need to be aware and they
need to address these things in order to reduce those certain health conditions by putting
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things in place. The government invests and research into finding solutions for improving
the health of the public by working with the NHS, Public Health England and local govern-
ments. It is their responsibility to:
• Prevent the spread of disease
• Produce health campaigns aimed at those with medical conditions that can be
• Promote health and health education awareness
• Protect vulnerable people
• Protect the environment against hazards (radiation, air pollution)
What does the government do to promote health ?
Public Health England is a department that is responsible for making sure the public are
healthy and safe. They work with local governments to help promote health, they work with
the NHS and work with the public to support and advise them about public health and
safety. There are lots of things the government does to help promote health.
The government promotes campaigns to promote effective information to the public. Data
is collected from local governments such as Gp’s clinics and dentists, then the data is
passed on to Public Health Englad who analyse the data and produce yearly reports on
their findings to target the specific areas that have high numbers of health conditions. For
example if an area in Liverpool has high numbers of lung disease, the local government in
that area might open more clinics to get people checked and tested for lung disease etc.
The data allows for the government to locate and pinpoint what is happening where which
makes it easier to target different areas in the UK.
Below are some other examples of how the government help promote health: