Unit 1 – investigating the travel and tourism sector
In this coursework, I will be discussing the types of accommodation, travel, attractions and travel
agents. Furthermore, I will also be showcasing my knowledge of the types of tourists that would
visit these along with examples. To make sure all information is accurate, I will be researching
using the internet and using text books.
Types of Tourism
An outbound tourist is a tourist traveling out of their own country. For example, A British tourist traveling to Poland to see
Auschwitz (a type of dark tourism).
Inbound tourism is always an outbound tourist as they are coming into another country. An example of this would be a Thai
national visiting the UK.
Domestic tourism is when a person travels to a place within their country of origin, ie. An American from California visiting New
, Travel and Tourism Description Example Types of tourism
Component industries
Accommodation – Serviced A Serviced accommodation is a type The Athenaeum in London is a type For outbound tourists, this type of
of accommodation that provides of serviced accommodation. It offers accommodation would be ideal as it
services such as a gym, pool, buffet, free Wi-Fi, a fully fitted kitchen, a provides them with a sense of
etc. Rooms will most likely be daily maid service, gym, spa and ‘homeliness’ and they don’t have to
provided with towels, coffee/tea, many more. venture far in a foreign country
linen and possibly a kitchen facility which is especially handy if they
included. don’t speak the language well.
It is also good for the
hotel/accommodation providers to
Most types of accommodation are make money from the tourists this
serviced, such as Hostels and B&B’s. way if the services provided are
They may sometimes cost more due good then the customers are more
to having better facilities available likely to recommend it to others.
than non-serviced.
Accommodation – Non serviced Non serviced accommodation is An example of a non serviced A domestic tourist would be
, accommodation when just the room accommodation is a caravan in a perhaps the most common tourist
(or bed if in a hostel) is provided. caravan park in Newquay. Many to use non-serviced accommodation
You would have to pay to use people would book this as it’s cheap mainly because it’s cheaper and
services available. and different to a hotel. they are more likely to venture out
and therefore just use the
accommodation for sleeping in.
These types of accommodation are It would possibly be good for
typically less expensive and would families on a budget due to them
be best for people wishing to spend being able to go elsewhere for food
less time at the accommodation. and other additional services to suit
It can also be known as ‘self-
Transport – Road There are many different ways to Addison Lee Taxi Service in London It is common for domestic tourists
travel on the road. For example, you is an example of a way people use to travel on the road as it is often
can travel by car, bus, moped, etc. Road travel to get to place. Taxi’s cheaper for them an easier. If it was
run on a metre, so the further you an inbound tourist from Europe to
travel – the more it will cost. Many England, then they may have
It can be expensive if you chose to people use taxis at night as they trouble driving on the right hand
rent a vehicle and you must have a believe that it is safer than walking side of the road.
licence to drive it. You may also by themselves or getting the
underground. Uber, is also Many Americans chose to road trip
have to pay a deposit to rent it. around their country in their
becoming a popular way to travel by
road. Its like a taxi only cheaper. campervans, therefore they would
be a domestic tourist. They may