Description of event: Photography event
Deadline for completion: 30th November
Purpose of event: to give to charity
Meeting to come up with idea- Discussed topics of having an Word £0 Everyone 14th September
event and adjustments will need to do because of Covid-19.
Team picking- On this day everyone got into their teams. Word £0 Everyone 22nd September
Brainstorming- During this task, we all came up with ideas that Word £0 Everyone 29th September
we have for the event and chose which one will be best to do.
Meeting Word £0 Everyone 29th September
Meeting- what we spoke about in the meeting Word £0 All members of the team 5th October
are responsible
Meeting- During this meeting, each person of the team was Word £0 Everyone 6th October
given a task by the team leader to produce.
Research task- All the members of the team were given tasks to Word £0 12th October
do and what to research by the team leader with a member of Everyone
the team.
Meeting Word £0 Everyone 13th November
PowerPoint- A presentation for our virtual event. Powerpoint £0 Rebecca 10th November
Quiz+ analysis of quiz Word £0 Jennifer and Martyna 10th November
Attendees- Discussed who will be attending the event and how Word £0 Everyone 10th November
we ae going to do the event.
Invitations- To be sent out to remind people of our event. Word £0 Rebecca 10th November
Posters- This will be developed to be placed around the college Word £0 Shabnam and Sophie 10th November
so that it creates more awareness.