Unit 4 – Managing an event
Unit 4
For this assignment I have been asked to explore the role of an event organiser, investigate
the feasibility of a proposed event, develop a detailed plan for a business or social
enterprise event, stage and manage a business or social enterprise event and reflect on the
running the event and evaluate own skills development.
Learning aim, A: Explore the role of an event organiser
An event is a planned occasion that takes place. They are usually planned occasions to bring
people together for different things. An example of an event is introducing or launching a
new business. For an event the business would throw their business a type of event which
, Unit 4 – Managing an event
could be in a form of a party, get together or lunch. In order for an event to take place there
has to be an event organiser.
An event organiser is someone who is in charge of the whole event. This includes the
essential elements of any event such as: venue, location, catering, planning and reserving
facilities, setting up the programme, preparing and distributing document’s and contacts. As
an event organiser you’ll have the responsibility of setting up the event, and then evaluating
them whether or not they have been successful. However, it is important that as an event
organiser you are able to identify your skills and success on your current event to ensure
you are able to improve as you go. As an event planner you have to have specific skills such
as responsibility skills, communication skills, organised and have good time management.
Below I have Inserted a number of different types of events.
Party Event Gradation Event Wedding Event
Different roles of an event organiser
Organising the event
Organising an event is a significant role that is encountered by the event organiser. It is
Launch Event that the event organiser
important Concert Event Birthday
is able to plan a successful event Event all of the
by including
important factors of any event. I am going to explain all of the essential elements of any
event. Firstly, choosing the location and venue is a vital step this is because the location of
where the event is an important
concern because it can influence who attends your event (attendees and speakers). If your
venue is in an undesirable location or too far from transport systems (like airports), you'll
limit the number of people who show up. The venue is also important because the right
venue can make the planning process much more seamless, helping to provide you with all
the “extras” needed to make a lasting impression to be able to run a smooth event
throughout. Another main element of an event is catering. The event organiser is in charge
of ensuring they provide the best selected foods based on the guests of the event. It is
important that the event organiser is considerate of all guests such as vegans, vegetarians,