John Obison Stevens 1
Table of Contents
Technology Management Assignment 1.............................................................................5
Identify Organisational or Business problem......................................................................5
IT Requirements.................................................................................................................5
System and Hardware Integration needs............................................................................5
In order to use the Parim software a PC, tablet or mobile device is required......................5
The computer will need to have a windows operating system (Windows 7 or later version)
or macOS operating system (macOS Sierra or later version)...............................................5
Tablet and mobile device....................................................................................................5
The Parim software is compatible with iPhone and IPad devices (IOS 9.0 operating system
or later version). Android devices that have Google Play, are also compatible with the
Parim app...........................................................................................................................5
IT Solution..........................................................................................................................6
During my research, I found 3 potential apps: Microsoft Staffhub, InitLive and Parim that
had the potential features..................................................................................................6
However, after thorough research, I have decided to use Parim which is a staff
management and scheduling app that enables managers and employers to manage staff
working hours, payroll, temporary and permanent staff availability and tracks staff current
location; in real time..........................................................................................................6
The software allows employees to cancel and confirm shifts via smartphone, receive
notifications and information fast and clock in and clock out online in real time. Parim is
accessible 24/7 and is also compatible with smartphones, tablets and computers. It is
evident that this application is the solution to Manchester college current problems.
Moreover, the cost to lease the Parim software will be £400 every month.........................6
Project Plan........................................................................................................................6
To manage and accomplish this project successfully, a project planning methodology will
be implemented. This specific project planning methodology is also known as project
management life cycle........................................................................................................6
Using this methodology will limit and minimise project failures, scope creep and over-
budget. The project management life cycle will help increase the success rate of this
project. The projects management life cycle divides the project between five main stages:
1. Defining and producing specification..............................................................................6
2. Requirement gathering...................................................................................................6
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3. Plan................................................................................................................................6
4. Implementation..............................................................................................................6
5. Completion and review...................................................................................................6
Defining and producing specification..................................................................................6
Requirement Gathering......................................................................................................7
As the project manager, I will begin with the planning of the project, all collected
information will be reviewed by me and my colleagues. As the project manager of this
project I will assign and inform my colleagues about what tasks they are responsible for
and the time frame needed to complete their given task....................................................7
During this stage, Gant chart will be introduced and used as scheduling and monitoring
tool. This tool implements all stages in a short and small image format. Gantt chart uses
horizontal time over distance to work out how long it will take to finish a task..................7
Completion and Review......................................................................................................7
This is the final stage of project management life cycle. After the app is tested and the
stakeholders are satisfied with app and its services, the app is ready to be used................7
Maintenance, Security and Support policy..........................................................................8
Support Policy....................................................................................................................8
For Manchester college to receive technical support from Parim Limited they will have to
make sure they obtain proper license and have an active contract with Parim Limited.......8
Also, the application acquisition has to be directly from Parim Limited. Through the official
website or Parim’s mobile apps such as: App store and Google play store..........................8
However, acquiring Parim application from third-parties will be seen as illegal. If
Manchester College or any of their staff does that, it will be seen as breach of contract and
an offense which can lead to prosecution, fine and termination of contract.......................8
Secondly, in order for Manchester college to add staff to Parim, a written permission is
required from the employees. If the employee gives permission for Manchester College to
use his/her personal data to integrate with Parim services only then can the employees
create a Parim account and use its services........................................................................8
An advantage of this policy is that employees have the right to know what information
about them is used and for what is it used. Authorisation is required from the employees.
However, a weakness of this policy is that if the employee doesn’t give authorisation for
their data to be used, they will not be able to use Parim and it services.............................8
Security Policy....................................................................................................................8
Every staff using Parim app will need create their own account that has strong password
characters. Staff are prohibited from sharing their own account with other people. This is
to minimise security risk such as: identify fraud or invasion of privacy...............................8
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Moreover, for staff to have access to Parim they will need to use their username and
password which is encrypted..............................................................................................8
An advantage of this policy is that Parim Limited will be providing safeguarding and
security measures to protect the application from cyber-attacks and physical attacks. This
will save The Manchester College money and time as the security features are all included
when the Parim software is acquired..................................................................................8
This security policy is also implemented to keep the integrity and confidentiality of both
parties involved intact........................................................................................................8
Maintenance Policy............................................................................................................9
This policy states that Parim application will be regularly updated to remove bugs and to
improve and expand usability, security and features. The updates will be carried out by
Parim in-house programmers. When the updates are ready, Manchester college IT
department will be notified. The college IT department can then install the updates on the
computers of the administrators........................................................................................9
Moreover, staff using Parim will be notified through the App store, Google play store or
official website. A documentation of the changes will also be available to understand
more about the update details. This is the only way to obtain updates from Parim, any
other way is illegal and at the college/staff own risk..........................................................9
Also, if any technical problems occur relating to Parim app, the administrator or staff
should report this to the IT department in the college. If the problem is beyond the IT
technicians, they should contact Parim Limited technical support team to follow up with
the issue.............................................................................................................................9
However, a video tutorial, documentation and training will be provided to minimise minor
problems and to improve user experience within the Parim app........................................9
An advantage of this policy is that it is used as a guideline to follow step by step...............9
A weakness of this policy is that if Manchester College and their employees don’t abide by
the policy guidelines, Parim Limited will not be liable for any issues regarding the Parim
Data Protection Act 1998....................................................................................................9
It is advised that the organisation which in this case is “Manchester college” should follow
the Data Protection Act 1998.This is to ensure that both the employer and employee data
is protected and handled adequately according the legislation guidelines, when using
This specific legislation act will ensure that Manchester college employees using the Parim
application will be assured that all data will be safe and processed in line with their rights
such as; knowing what information is used about you, accurate, fairly and lawfully
However, failing to comply with this legislation can result in a criminal offence which can
lead to prosecution and fines.............................................................................................9
Copyrights, Designs and Patents Act 1988........................................................................10