Whot were the problemsof frelond in the lote 18thcenturyondto whot
extent couldthey hovebeensolved?
Qverthe centuries,monyproblemshadoccurredin frelqndever sincethe
Englishtook over.frelondwosforced to be port of the BritishEmpire;we
conorguethot in o woy,the frish werebeingexploitedby the English
becousethey took odvontoge of them by preventingthem from rising
obovetheir sociolstotusos the mojority of the populotionwereCotholics,
ondwhenthe PenolLowwospossedin the 17-18rh century,it mesntthot
they were forbiddento vote,toke port in the government, go to
university,work in the Lowand they were not oble to engagethemselves
in trode etc. Basicolly,
the Aristocrotswerein control,they're the ones
whomokeoll the rulesondthey're the oneswhomodethe poorpoytaxes.
The Aristocrotshodo lot of powerondcontroloverthe country,they
werevery welloff becousetheyownedhugeplots of londin frelond ond
they olsomodethe peosontspoyrents for the londthey livedin.
The mojorityof them foundit extremelyhord to find themselveso job
becousethey were Cotholic;jobs wereoften givento those whowere
Protestontsor from o British decent,therefore, this meontthot they
were left with no other choice,so they livedin londswere nobodyelse
wontedqndtried to be self-sufficient.The londowners whoownedpteces
of londwouldmokethem poyrents,ond if they foiled to do so, then they
wouldbe thrownout of their housesond hqveit burnt qnddestroyedso
thot it wosimpossible for them to go bock.
rlAostof the peoplein frelond livedtheir livesos peosonts.
Life wos
extremelydifficult for them becousethe moneythey modewere usedto
poyfor their rents.Foodwqsscorcebecousemqnyof them survivedjust
eotingpototoes- breodondmeotwosvery rorely esten,andthey livedin
very bod conditions.
frelond woso rich ogriculturollond;the londwosusedto form cowswhich
were exportedto Englondandsold for beef or doiry productsin English
cities.The purposewqsto ensurethot there woso cheopsupplyof food
for the industriolworkersondto mokeprofits for themselves,therefore,
we con crrguefhot the Englishdidn't hoveo coreoboutthe frish becouse
they onlywontedto toke odvontogeof them.
Duringthe lqte 18ihCentury,frelondwosmorelikeo dividednotion
becousethere hosbeeno seporotionbetweenthe Cotholicsondthe