Online Discussion Assessment
Within Football, there are always going to be problems and issues that exist, therefore is it vitally
important for both the Government and Governing Bodies, to create strategies and policies aimed at
tackling the issues. Three of the biggest issues within football include: Lack of BAME coaches within
elite football; Increasing Female Leadership Roles; and Recruitment and retention of volunteers to
support grassroots football. These are three of the biggest current issues within football, due to the
ongoing issue regarding inequality at all levels of the game and the growing worry about the number
of volunteers to keep running some of the biggest events in the world. One of the clearer ways to
identify current issues within the game is through statistics. As an example, a worryingly low statistic
for the number of BAME coaches within elite football clearly highlights a problem that needs
tackling. In 2018, this figure was as low as 7% across the whole of the football league and just 2.6%
of all permanent managers in the history of the premier league (Jonathan Liew, 2018.).
Furthermore, by analysing the strategies and policies created by the Government, Sport
England and the FA, it always a greater understanding of some of the problems within the
game. All three will create strategies and policies that are aimed at tackling a problem,
therefore checking the current policies makes it very clear what these Bodies believe to be
the biggest issues currently in the game. By creating a discussion post, it allows other people
and I to talk about our opinions on the issues and what’s being done to tackle them.
Lack of BAME coaches within elite football
Within football in England, there is a substantial lack of BAME coaches within elite football.
only 7% of current managers in the football league and premier league and 2.6% of all
permanent managers in the history of the premier league are BAME (Jonathan Liew, 2018.).
This clearly demonstrates a lack of inclusion from the hierarchy of Football within England.
For a long time, BAME coaches were not being offered the same opportunities as non-BAME
coaches. This then affects both local and elite level, as players at local level feel there is no
point in reporting concerns as they believe nothing will be done as there is a clear problem at
the top of the game. Furthermore, there is a lack of BAME role models within the game,
meaning BAME players involved at the local level don’t see a career option as a coach. Within
the Policy’s that both FIFA and the Government have created, they have outlined intents to
improve the experience for all players, coaches and referees. FIFA also aims to build
themselves as a stronger institution to become more inclusive, more efficient and a more
purposeful institute (FIFA, 2016). Sport England have then taken this policy and created their
own strategies to try and meet the policies aim. They have created two strategies for this,
one for player involvement and development and a second for coach development. Sport
England’s vision if for everyone in England regardless of age, background, or level of ability to
feel able to engage in sport (Sport England, 2016. P7). They also aim to have more diverse
volunteers alongside an improved progression and inclusion in talent development to
promote a more variety of backgrounds within football (Sport England, 2016. P9.). Local FA’s
will look at how they can meet the policies and strategies set in place by the FIFA, the FA, and
Sport England. For lack of BAME coaches, they will create an easier pathway to join the
coaching community. One way this is done, is through the Rooney Rule. This is a requirement
for league teams to interview a BAME applicant when recruiting for senior coaching positions
(Independent, 2018). From this, it is creating a much clearer and easier pathway for people of
, ethnic minorities to go into coaching roles. By interviewing at least one BAME manager for
each senior coaching roles, there is a higher chance of a BAME coach being hired. This
therefore has a ripple effect as there will become more and more role models for players at
local level, increasing reports of concerns and giving a clearer pathway into coaching. Overall,
FIFA and Sport England have created policies and strategies to tackle what they currently
believe are the major problems
Comment 1
I like and agree with your reliable sources of evidence/examples revealing the true extent of
this important social issue that I believe we should be raising more awareness for. I would
enjoy reading some of the perspectives of those managers who make up the small
percentages and your personal view on them. Are they right or wrong? Why does the
hierarchy of the Football, referring to the Football Association and FIFA, lack the inclusion of
BAME candidates in senior positions? I agree with your statements about how these issues at
the top of the game influence the lower tiers, more significantly grass roots football. I would
also enjoy to read your opinion on why so many BAME players decide against choosing a
senior position in management as their occupation after their playing career, as well as their
own perspectives.
I don't believe these organisations are doing enough quick enough for practitioners to resolve
this issue considering its importance. Especially as you specifically state they are only just
realising an intention to help within their individual policies. On the other hand, considering
they are starting from the bottom of the issue means they can only work up and better shape
the development of football.
Comment 2
A very good way to start this assignment with the stat on how only ‘7% of managers in the
football league and premier league are BAME’. This was a good early statistic to get in to help
with the subject in hand. You have mentioned about the policies well and included some
good references to which back these strategies up. For instance, you mention how the
Government are trying to improve the inclusion of players and coaches at all level and you
have then backed this with a further reference from Sport England. Within this you managed
to get across the strategies in which you have managed to explain the strategies such as they
want people to ‘participate regardless of age, background or level of ability’. The mentioning
of the ‘Rooney rule’ was also useful to the topic and again you have explained who this
effects and what clubs and leagues are doing about the ‘Rooney rule’. Moving on if you were
to add just a few more references to why there is not many BAME role models which would
further your assignment that little bit more. This has been very easy to read due to the
correct punctuation and grammar.
Comment 3
I am pleased to read your short but weight post about the situation of English football and
minority coaches. You are of the view that a scanty presence of BAME coaches kills role
modelling in the profession and demotivates BAME players who might not pursue a career in
coaching in the future. This is largely true because no one can invest in a business that does
not guarantee returns. However, the notion that Whites invented football highly influences
decisions made at all level including club boards and professional football bodies such as FA