Comparing Tuberculosis, Malaria and Influenza
Tuberculosis Malaria Influenza
Relative Most important factors Most important factors Most important factors
Importance concerning TB’s spread concerning the spreading concerning the spread of
of Factors includes aerial of malaria is that since the the flu is how easily and
Contributing transmission in saliva disease requires the use of quickly it is able to
to the Spread which must be reduced, by mosquitoes to act as mutate into new strains,
of diseases refraining from coughing vectors in order to spread and make its way around
without covering the on; and both live in the respiratory system’s
mouth and stopping marshy/swampy areas. compartments to then be
particles carrying the This means that those in ejected from the body
bacteria around into areas with these into the air or on objects
different people where conditions are at a greater from bodily fluids. These
the infection can harbour risk of being infected with parts of the respiratory
and grow in the lungs. the disease; and not system include mucus,
having the resources to salivial water droplets, air
In densely populated areas help keep them away from the lungs, to name a
such as cities where there (mosquito nets, repellent, few.
is a large concentration of anti-malarial drugs).
those who are infected It is also a very hardy and
with the disease; they thus If contracted by those in sturdy virus, and can live
cough a lot as a result of poor populations, the on inanimate objects for
the symptoms from the immune cells of the body quite a long time before
condition, which further are already weakened due someone picks them up.
spread it around the air to the malnourishment in If an area is not
(which is how TB is the areas where malaria particularly clean and is
contracted), this creates a resides within the locals in not cleaned properly, or
huge impact on the chance a large number of cases, is in an area such as a
of reducing the amount of which makes for a quick public toilet where bodily
cases, and further worsens deterioration of health. In germs and indirect
the problem as more densely populated areas contact will occur
people become infected. where there is a large everywhere, these places
This means more will have concentration of both are breeding grounds for
to be treated. people and mosquitoes to viruses and infections to
harbour and spread the thrive and spread to
Evidence for this is that disease, this creates a people, who in turn will
approximately 10.4 million huge impact on the health spread to many more.
became infected with TB of an area because it (
in 2016, with most cases greatly increases the risk Pages/how-long-do-bacte
being reported in very of becoming infected and ria-and-viruses-live-outsid
overpopulated and bitten as the probability e-the-body.aspx)
crowded countries where would be exceedingly high
germs of the disease can as this would also mean Evidence for this is that
be easily caught and that there would be lots of the flu is a very notorious,
inhaled in close quarters, common and popular
, and sometimes where blood (food) for the hosts virus which mutates into a
satisfactory and to thrive off. new strain yearly which is
affordable healthcare is why it is able to infect so
hard to come across. Living in hot tropical many until it is killed by
These countries with the countries is yet another the body after infection.
highest rates of TB environmental factor as In the US, flu kills roughly
recorded includes: India, not only do anopheles 36,000 people yearly.
Indonesia, China, the mosquitoes reside in warm (
Philippines and Pakistan. climates, but also 60% 009/HEALTH/04/28/regul
humidity (BBC) as well as ar.flu/)
Due to treatment, these are their optimal
diagnosis and prevention, conditions. Humans can As this is a virus,
over 53 million lives are accidentally worsen this by treatments cannot be
saved compared to the 1.3 creating houses and areas given like with bacteria as
million deaths in 2016 of shade for the insects to the pathogen hides and
caused by TB. live and rest in close disguises itself within the
quarters. host’s own cells and
( multiplies within them,
b/en/) Holiday goers or people which is why viruses are
travelling from areas such large concerns in the
There are some other infected with malaria, like world of pathology. So
factors which may increase all other contagious the symptoms must be
the risk for contracting TB diseases, can transfer the waited out unless
and thus making it so that
disease around before painkillers and other ways
people will end up
spreading it to others, knowing that they are to reduce the discomfort
such as having diabetes, infected when in places until the body is able to
drinking excessive such as airports, which is successfully destroy the
amounts of alcohol, being another important factor invaders from its own
malnourished and being which contributes to the defences recognising its
exposed to tobacco smoke spread and increasing the genetic code/RNA. For
or air pollution are factors
which accelerate chance of more infections young children, the
progression of the disease occurring. elderly and
as these weaken the body immunocompromised,
and immune system; so this is sadly not always
people are more the case and a simple bug
susceptible to catching it. such as this cannot be
In polluted or food-scarce
defeated with a
areas, this is a huge factor
in how easily airborne weakened immune
pathogens like TB spread. system.
/journals/pm/2013/82893 (
9/) rnment/statistics/weekly-n
Relative Due to TB’s interruptive Contagious, host spread Diseases which are highly
Importance effects and symptoms, it is diseases can cause severe contagious and obvious