multifunctional devices
Personal computers - capable of performing more than one specific function
mobile devices - computing device that is designed to be portable by being compact
servers - computer that manages access to different resources and services over a network
entertainment systems - designed to entertain
digital cameras – still, video - device that can take photos and video and recording it as digital data.
navigation systems - digital device that uses GPS to provide a real-time map of your current location
data capture and collection systems - input and store data through methods other than direct data
communication devices and systems - A device that is used to move data between two other
Education and training
Teachers use interactive whiteboards
Schools use e-learning resources
Training is now available on computer
Education and training can happen anywhere.
communicate easily, and digital devices are used everyday
Instant messaging and phone calls
apps to manage lives
manage our home
Society is reliant on technology. someone is identified or data can be stolen
Our social lives revolve around technology and the social media that we can access. up to date on
a lot of unwanted data
Keeping up to date with social media is time consuming and the need to be ‘connected’ all the time
is vital for some people
supermarkets now use digital devices to make their jobs easier automatically performing
Large supermarkets now have self-services machines and scan as you shop which eliminate the role
of a checkout operator.
Security systems use facial recognition to identify people
EFTPOS is where payments are contactless which allows payment to be quicker and automated.
Retailers encourage us to sign up for loyalty cards, they gather data on our preferences and use the
physic to send us enticements e.g. online shopping
When a barcode is scanned, and a purchase is made the stock system will automatically order more
stock from the supplier without the need for human intervention.
organisational – business operations, internal and external dissemination of information or creative
CNC – computer numerically controlled
Organisations relay on digital devices to carry out administrative tasks
Technical drawings through computer aided design, manufacturing, and construction use CNC
This speeds up operations and the internet allows quick communication and access to information.
E.g links with suppliers, customers
Central records are now stored on servers which can be accessed remotely at any time.
Input devices - sends information to the computer
Barcode reader
Usb stick
Output devices - provide information to the user from the computer
, Storage devices – store data
Solid state storage – used in nearly all devices
Dis – expensive, less storage than other devices
Adv – durable, no moving parts, no noise
Optical Storage – disk
Adv – cheap, portable
Dis – less storage compared to others, needs appropriate reader
Magnetic storage -
Adv – cheaper, big storage
Dis – not durable, moving parts
Manual and automatic data processing
A computer will only do exactly what it is told, it cannot make decisions for itself. The output is
generated by the software.
Manual – We can enter data manually into a computer.
E.g. keying in mail and telephone orders, entering customer details, processing sales, marking exam
scripts, entering and collecting survey responses.
Automatic – data can be processed by the computer sometimes with very little human input.
E.g. smart meters (electric and gas), seismometer (predicting and measuring earthquakes), satellites,
processing ATM transactions, Race timing, bitcoin mining.
Accessibility devices
Accessibility devices provide alternative input and output options when standard methods are not
an option e.g. physical disability.
Voice or speech recognition, screen readers, touch screens, keyboards with big keys, ergonomic
keyboard or mouse, screen magnifier, screen overlays, eye motion sensors, keyless cars