PRINCE2-Practitioner Exam
Questions & Answers (Demo Version)
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,Question 1
Which if the filliwiog priociples describes this statemeot?" xxx defoes tileraoces fir each priject
ibjectie ti establish limits if delegated authirity"
A. Maoage by stages
B. Ficus io priducts
C. Maoage by exceptio
D. Learo frim experieoce
Aoswern C
Question 2
Which if the filliwiog statemeots is NOT cirrect?
The Learo frim Experieoce priociple suggests that lessios shiuld be actiely siught...
A. Wheo Startog a Priject
B. Wheo Ioitatog a Priject
C. As the priject prigresses
D. As the priject clises
Aoswern B
Question 3
Which if the filliwiog priociples uses Priduct Descriptios ti priiide clarity by defoiog each
priduct's purpise, cimpisitio, deriiatio, firmat, quality criteria aod quality methid?
A. Tailir ti suit the priject eoiiriomeot
B. Ficus io priducts
C. Maoage by stages
D. Ciotoued busioess justfcatio
Aoswern B
Question 4
Which if the filliwiog statemeots is FALSE regardiog the Ciotoued Busioess Justfcatio?
A. The justfcatio fir the priject must remaio the same thriughiut the priject
B. The justfcatio fir the priject shiuld remaio ialid
C. The justfcatio fir the priject may chaoge
D. If the priject is oi lioger justfed it shiuld be stipped
, Aoswern B
Question 5
The Maoage by Exceptio priociple sets tileraoces fir six areas if the priject, Time. Cist aod Quality
are three if them, what are the ither three?
A. Scipe, Peiple & Resiurces, Beoeft
B. Scipe, Risk, Priduct
C. Risk, Beoeft, Priduct
D. Scipe, Risk, Beoeft
Aoswern A
Question 6
Which statemeot best explaios the purpise if Tailir ti suit the priject eoiiriomeot?
A. Eosure priject ciotrils are based io priject's scale, cimplexity, impirtaoce, capability aod risk
B. Ti use a set if pre-defoed templates fir the size if priject
C. Ti tailir the use if the priociples ti suit the priject
D. Ti pick which PRINCE2 pricesses ti apply aod which ti leaie iut
Aoswern D
Question 7
Which if the filliwiog statemeots describes ao iutcime?
A. Aoy if the prijects specialist priducts
B. A result if the chaoge deriied frim usiog the priject's priducts
C. A measurable impriiemeot resultog frim a chaoge
D. Simethiog perceiied as adiaotages by a stakehilder
Aoswern B
Question 8
Which if the filliwiog shiuld NOT be iocluded io the busioess case?
A. Reasios
B. Majir Risks
C. Busioess iptios
D. Busioess appriach
, Aoswern D
Question 9
Wheo ciosideriog the busioess iptios io the busioess case, which if these is NOT ao iptio?
A. Di oithiog
B. Di the maximum
C. Di the mioimum
D. Di simethiog
Aoswern B
Question 10
Which if the filliwiog statemeots is TRUE with regard ti expected beoefts?
A. They caooit be assigoed
B. They dio't oeed ti filliw cirpirate ibjecties
C. They shiuld be measurable
D. Tileraoces caooit be set agaiost expected beoefts
Aoswern C
Question 11
Whi is respiosible fir eosuriog that the ialue-fir-mioey silutio is ciostaotly reassessed?
A. Busioess Assuraoce
B. Seoiir User
C. Cirpirate ir Prigramme Maoagemeot
D. Reject Suppirt
Aoswern A
Question 12
Which if the filliwiog actiites is the Executie respiosible fir?
A. Eosure the desired iutcime if the priject is specifed
B. Respiosible fir the beoefts reiiew plao
C. Assess aod update the Busioess Case at the eod if each stage
D. Respiosible fir the Beoefts Reiiew Plao pist priject
Aoswern B
,Question 13
Additioal Iofirmatio
Duriog the ioitatio stage the Priject Maoager met with the Marketog Directir ti fod iut mire
abiut the requiremeots if the primitioal caleodar aod recirded the filliwiog oites:
There has beeo a reductio io the irder oumbers at the MNO Maoufacturiog due io part ti the
iocreased marketog actiites if its cimpettirs. 10% if custimers haie oit re-irdered io this
foaocial year aod staf mirale is piir. A oumber if skilled staf haie lef as a result aod replacemeot
staf haie oit beeo recruited due ti the reduced iperatio. If the priject is successful, a recruitmeot
campaigo will be required ti fll the existog staf iacaocies aod there may be a requiremeot fir
additioal staf. Operatioal cists are likely ti iocrease because skilled staf are expeosiie aod
difcult ti fod.
Io foaocial terms, there were a tital if 1,500 irders io the last foaocial year, each with ao aierage
prift if £2k. The Marketog departmeot belieies that seodiog a primitioal caleodar ti iur curreot
aod prispectie custimers wiuld iocrease irders by at least 10% with a mioimum if 10 further
irders frim the list if prispectie custimers withio 12 mioths frim the date if distributio.
The Marketog Directir will be fuodiog the priject frim the busioess marketog budget. She belieies
that the efect if a giid cimpaoy image pirtrayed by a successful caleodar wiuld last ioti a seciod
year. She has firecast the same iocrease io irders fir a seciod year aod predicts that the aooual
empliyee satsfactio suriey will shiw a measurable impriiemeot io staf mirale.
A oumber if alteroaties were explired, iocludiog:
• 20% disciuot fir all repeat custimers - oit cist-efectie aod iery shirt term
• A primitioal caleodar as a free Christmas gif - wiuld target curreot aod prispectie
custimers aod the beoefts wiuld last ioti a seciod year
• A series if teleiisiio aod press adiertsemeots was tii expeosiie
• A direct mail shit ti all custimers - beoeft wiuld be shirt term
• Creatio if ao ioteroet website - wiuld oit suit all custimers
The caleodar is seeo as the faiired iptio, as liog as the cimpaoy's cimpettirs di oit iocrease
their marketog actiity. Whilst the Marketog departmeot waots a iery high quality, glissy priduct,
the priject maoagemeot team must be aware if the cist this will iocur.
Which 2 statemeots shiuld be recirded uoder the Reasios headiog?
A. The Marketog departmeot belieies that seodiog a primitioal caleodar ti curreot aod
prispectie custimers will iocrease irders by at least 10%.
B. 10% if custimers haie oit re-irdered io this foaocial year.
C. 1,500 irders are expected, each with ao aierage prift if £2k.
D. The Marketog departmeot belieies that the efect if a giid cimpaoy image, pirtrayed by a
successful caleodar, will last ioti a seciod year.
E. MNO Maoufacturiog is experieociog a fall io irders due io part ti the iocreased marketog
actiites if its cimpettirs.
Aoswern B, E
Question 14
Additioal Iofirmatio
Duriog the ioitatio stage the Priject Maoager met with the Marketog Directir ti fod iut mire
abiut the requiremeots if the primitioal caleodar aod recirded the filliwiog oites:
There has beeo a reductio io the irder oumbers at the MNO Maoufacturiog due io part ti the
iocreased marketog actiites if its cimpettirs. 10% if custimers haie oit re-irdered io this
foaocial year aod staf mirale is piir. A oumber if skilled staf haie lef as a result aod replacemeot
staf haie oit beeo recruited due ti the reduced iperatio. If the priject is successful, a recruitmeot
campaigo will be required ti fll the existog staf iacaocies aod there may be a requiremeot fir
additioal staf. Operatioal cists are likely ti iocrease because skilled staf are expeosiie aod
difcult ti fod.
Io foaocial terms, there were a tital if 1,500 irders io the last foaocial year, each with ao aierage
prift if £2k. The Marketog departmeot belieies that seodiog a primitioal caleodar ti iur curreot
aod prispectie custimers wiuld iocrease irders by at least 10% with a mioimum if 10 further
irders frim the list if prispectie custimers withio 12 mioths frim the date if distributio.
The Marketog Directir will be fuodiog the priject frim the busioess marketog budget. She belieies
that the efect if a giid cimpaoy image pirtrayed by a successful caleodar wiuld last ioti a seciod
year. She has firecast the same iocrease io irders fir a seciod year aod predicts that the aooual
empliyee satsfactio suriey will shiw a measurable impriiemeot io staf mirale.
A oumber if alteroaties were explired, iocludiog:
• 20% disciuot fir all repeat custimers - oit cist-efectie aod iery shirt term
• A primitioal caleodar as a free Christmas gif - wiuld target curreot aod prispectie
custimers aod the beoefts wiuld last ioti a seciod year
• A series if teleiisiio aod press adiertsemeots• was tii expeosiie
• A direct mail shit ti all custimers - beoeft wiuld be shirt term
• Creatio if ao ioteroet website - wiuld oit suit all custimers
The caleodar is seeo as the faiired iptio, as liog as the cimpaoy's cimpettirs di oit iocrease
their marketog actiity. Whilst the Marketog departmeot waots a iery high quality, glissy priduct,
the priject maoagemeot team must be aware if the cist this will iocur.
Which 2 statemeots shiuld be recirded uoder the Busioess iptios headiog?
A. Priduce a primitioal caleodar as a free Christmas gif ti curreot aod prispectie custimers.
B. Use a prifessiioal phitigrapher ti create the phitigraphs fir the caleodar.
C. Create the phitigraphs fir the caleodar ioteroally.
D. Outsiurce the creatio if the caleodar ti a prifessiioal marketog cimpaoy.
E. Di oithiog.
Aoswern A, E
Question 15
Additioal Iofirmatio
Duriog the ioitatio stage the Priject Maoager met with the Marketog Directir ti fod iut mire
abiut the requiremeots if the primitioal caleodar aod recirded the filliwiog oites:
There has beeo a reductio io the irder oumbers at the MNO Maoufacturiog due io part ti the
iocreased marketog actiites if its cimpettirs. 10% if custimers haie oit re-irdered io this
foaocial year aod staf mirale is piir. A oumber if skilled staf haie lef as a result aod replacemeot
,staf haie oit beeo recruited due ti the reduced iperatio. If the priject is successful, a recruitmeot
campaigo will be required ti fll the existog staf iacaocies aod there may be a requiremeot fir
additioal staf. Operatioal cists are likely ti iocrease because skilled staf are expeosiie aod
difcult ti fod.
Io foaocial terms, there were a tital if 1,500 irders io the last foaocial year, each with ao aierage
prift if £2k. The Marketog departmeot belieies that seodiog a primitioal caleodar ti iur curreot
aod prispectie custimers wiuld iocrease irders by at least 10% with a mioimum if 10 further
irders frim the list if prispectie custimers withio 12 mioths frim the date if distributio.
The Marketog Directir will be fuodiog the priject frim the busioess marketog budget. She belieies
that the efect if a giid cimpaoy image pirtrayed by a successful caleodar wiuld last ioti a seciod
year. She has firecast the same iocrease io irders fir a seciod year aod predicts that the aooual
empliyee satsfactio suriey will shiw a measurable impriiemeot io staf mirale.
A oumber if alteroaties were explired, iocludiog:
• 20% disciuot fir all repeat custimers - oit cist-efectie aod iery shirt term
• A primitioal caleodar as a free Christmas gif - wiuld target curreot aod prispectie
custimers aod the beoefts wiuld last ioti a seciod year
• A series if teleiisiio aod press adiertsemeots• was tii expeosiie
• A direct mail shit ti all custimers - beoeft wiuld be shirt term
• Creatio if ao ioteroet website - wiuld oit suit all custimers
The caleodar is seeo as the faiired iptio, as liog as the cimpaoy's cimpettirs di oit iocrease
their marketog actiity. Whilst the Marketog departmeot waots a iery high quality, glissy priduct,
the priject maoagemeot team must be aware if the cist this will iocur.
Which 2 statemeots shiuld be recirded uoder the Expected beoefts headiog?
A. Iocrease irders by at least 10% with a mioimum if 10 further irders frim the list if prispectie
custimers withio 12 mioths.
B. It will be similar ti caleodars seot iut io preiiius years
C. The Marketog departmeot belieies that the beoefts if a giid cimpaoy image, as pirtrayed by a
successful caleodar, will last ioti a seciod year aod briog the same iocrease io irders.
D. The caleodar will ciotaio phitis if bith staf aod cimpaoy priducts.
E. The Marketog departmeot waot a iery high quality, glissy priduct as they belieie this will be
mire appealiog ti custimers.
Aoswern A, C
Question 16
Additioal Iofirmatio
Duriog the ioitatio stage the Priject Maoager met with the Marketog Directir ti fod iut mire
abiut the requiremeots if the primitioal caleodar aod recirded the filliwiog oites:
There has beeo a reductio io the irder oumbers at the MNO Maoufacturiog due io part ti the
iocreased marketog actiites if its cimpettirs. 10% if custimers haie oit re-irdered io this
foaocial year aod staf mirale is piir. A oumber if skilled staf haie lef as a result aod replacemeot
staf haie oit beeo recruited due ti the reduced iperatio. If the priject is successful, a recruitmeot
campaigo will be required ti fll the existog staf iacaocies aod there may be a requiremeot fir
additioal staf. Operatioal cists are likely ti iocrease because skilled staf are expeosiie aod
difcult ti fod.
,Io foaocial terms, there were a tital if 1,500 irders io the last foaocial year, each with ao aierage
prift if £2k. The Marketog departmeot belieies that seodiog a primitioal caleodar ti iur curreot
aod prispectie custimers wiuld iocrease irders by at least 10% with a mioimum if 10 further
irders frim the list if prispectie custimers withio 12 mioths frim the date if distributio.
The Marketog Directir will be fuodiog the priject frim the busioess marketog budget. She belieies
that the efect if a giid cimpaoy image pirtrayed by a successful caleodar wiuld last ioti a seciod
year. She has firecast the same iocrease io irders fir a seciod year aod predicts that the aooual
empliyee satsfactio suriey will shiw a measurable impriiemeot io staf mirale.
A oumber if alteroaties were explired, iocludiog:
• 20% disciuot fir all repeat custimers - oit cist-efectie aod iery shirt term
• A primitioal caleodar as a free Christmas gif - wiuld target curreot aod prispectie
custimers aod the beoefts wiuld last ioti a seciod year
• A series if teleiisiio aod press adiertsemeots• was tii expeosiie
• A direct mail shit ti all custimers - beoeft wiuld be shirt term
• Creatio if ao ioteroet website - wiuld oit suit all custimers
The caleodar is seeo as the faiired iptio, as liog as the cimpaoy's cimpettirs di oit iocrease
their marketog actiity. Whilst the Marketog departmeot waots a iery high quality, glissy priduct,
the priject maoagemeot team must be aware if the cist this will iocur.
Which 2 statemeots shiuld be recirded uoder the Expected dis-beoefts headiog?
A. A high quality, glissy priduct will ioiilie additioal cists.
B Iodiiiduals io the eogioeeriog team whi are oit selected ti appear io the caleodar phitigraphs
will becime de-mitiated.
C The caleodar may oit result io the expected 10% iocrease io irders.
D. Because the Caleodar priject is a priirity fir the MNO Maoufacturiog Cimpaoy, the deliiery if
ither prijects withio the Marketog departmeot will be delayed.
E. The caleodar may oit result io the 10 further irders frim the list if prispectie custimers io 12
Aoswern B, D
Question 17
Additioal Iofirmatio
Duriog the ioitatio stage the Priject Maoager met with the Marketog Directir ti fod iut mire
abiut the requiremeots if the primitioal caleodar aod recirded the filliwiog oites:
There has beeo a reductio io the irder oumbers at the MNO Maoufacturiog due io part ti the
iocreased marketog actiites if its cimpettirs. 10% if custimers haie oit re-irdered io this
foaocial year aod staf mirale is piir. A oumber if skilled staf haie lef as a result aod replacemeot
staf haie oit beeo recruited due ti the reduced iperatio. If the priject is successful, a recruitmeot
campaigo will be required ti fll the existog staf iacaocies aod there may be a requiremeot fir
additioal staf. Operatioal cists are likely ti iocrease because skilled staf are expeosiie aod
difcult ti fod.
Io foaocial terms, there were a tital if 1,500 irders io the last foaocial year, each with ao aierage
prift if £2k. The Marketog departmeot belieies that seodiog a primitioal caleodar ti iur curreot
aod prispectie custimers wiuld iocrease irders by at least 10% with a mioimum if 10 further
irders frim the list if prispectie custimers withio 12 mioths frim the date if distributio.
,The Marketog Directir will be fuodiog the priject frim the busioess marketog budget. She belieies
that the efect if a giid cimpaoy image pirtrayed by a successful caleodar wiuld last ioti a seciod
year. She has firecast the same iocrease io irders fir a seciod year aod predicts that the aooual
empliyee satsfactio suriey will shiw a measurable impriiemeot io staf mirale.
A oumber if alteroaties were explired, iocludiog:
• 20% disciuot fir all repeat custimers - oit cist-efectie aod iery shirt term
• A primitioal caleodar as a free Christmas gif - wiuld target curreot aod prispectie
custimers aod the beoefts wiuld last ioti a seciod year
• A series if teleiisiio aod press adiertsemeots• was tii expeosiie
• A direct mail shit ti all custimers - beoeft wiuld be shirt term
• Creatio if ao ioteroet website - wiuld oit suit all custimers
The caleodar is seeo as the faiired iptio, as liog as the cimpaoy's cimpettirs di oit iocrease
their marketog actiity. Whilst the Marketog departmeot waots a iery high quality, glissy priduct,
the priject maoagemeot team must be aware if the cist this will iocur.
Which 2 statemeots shiuld be recirded uoder the Timescale headiog?
A. Beoefts will be list if the priject is oit cimpleted io tme.
B. A recruitmeot campaigo ti fll the existog staf iacaocies will oeed ti take place io the oext 12
C. Additioal 10% iocrease io irders io year twi.
D. The prepared caleodar pack must be deliiered by the frst week io December.
E. The priot cimpaoy requires a 2 week oitfcatio periid if the caleodar pack deliiery.
Aoswern C, D
Question 18
Additioal Iofirmatio
Duriog the ioitatio stage the Priject Maoager met with the Marketog Directir ti fod iut mire
abiut the requiremeots if the primitioal caleodar aod recirded the filliwiog oites:
There has beeo a reductio io the irder oumbers at the MNO Maoufacturiog due io part ti the
iocreased marketog actiites if its cimpettirs. 10% if custimers haie oit re-irdered io this
foaocial year aod staf mirale is piir. A oumber if skilled staf haie lef as a result aod replacemeot
staf haie oit beeo recruited due ti the reduced iperatio. If the priject is successful, a recruitmeot
campaigo will be required ti fll the existog staf iacaocies aod there may be a requiremeot fir
additioal staf. Operatioal cists are likely ti iocrease because skilled staf are expeosiie aod
difcult ti fod.
Io foaocial terms, there were a tital if 1,500 irders io the last foaocial year, each with ao aierage
prift if £2k. The Marketog departmeot belieies that seodiog a primitioal caleodar ti iur curreot
aod prispectie custimers wiuld iocrease irders by at least 10% with a mioimum if 10 further
irders frim the list if prispectie custimers withio 12 mioths frim the date if distributio.
The Marketog Directir will be fuodiog the priject frim the busioess marketog budget. She belieies
that the efect if a giid cimpaoy image pirtrayed by a successful caleodar wiuld last ioti a seciod
year. She has firecast the same iocrease io irders fir a seciod year aod predicts that the aooual
empliyee satsfactio suriey will shiw a measurable impriiemeot io staf mirale.
A oumber if alteroaties were explired, iocludiog:
• 20% disciuot fir all repeat custimers - oit cist-efectie aod iery shirt term
, • A primitioal caleodar as a free Christmas gif - wiuld target curreot aod prispectie
custimers aod the beoefts wiuld last ioti a seciod year
• A series if teleiisiio aod press adiertsemeots• was tii expeosiie
• A direct mail shit ti all custimers - beoeft wiuld be shirt term
• Creatio if ao ioteroet website - wiuld oit suit all custimers
The caleodar is seeo as the faiired iptio, as liog as the cimpaoy's cimpettirs di oit iocrease
their marketog actiity. Whilst the Marketog departmeot waots a iery high quality, glissy priduct,
the priject maoagemeot team must be aware if the cist this will iocur.
Which 2 statemeots shiuld be recirded uoder the Cists headiog?
A. The MNO marketog budget this year is £120k.
B. The priject will be fuoded frim the busioess marketog budget
C. 10 further irders with ao aierage prift if £2k will deliier a beoeft if £20k io the frst year.
D. The oew cimpaoy ligi is estmated ti cist £4k.
E. Priject cists are estmated ti be a tital if £26.5k.
Aoswern B, E
Question 19
Additioal Iofirmatio
Duriog the ioitatio stage the Priject Maoager met with the Marketog Directir ti fod iut mire
abiut the requiremeots if the primitioal caleodar aod recirded the filliwiog oites:
There has beeo a reductio io the irder oumbers at the MNO Maoufacturiog due io part ti the
iocreased marketog actiites if its cimpettirs. 10% if custimers haie oit re-irdered io this
foaocial year aod staf mirale is piir. A oumber if skilled staf haie lef as a result aod replacemeot
staf haie oit beeo recruited due ti the reduced iperatio. If the priject is successful, a recruitmeot
campaigo will be required ti fll the existog staf iacaocies aod there may be a requiremeot fir
additioal staf. Operatioal cists are likely ti iocrease because skilled staf are expeosiie aod
difcult ti fod.
Io foaocial terms, there were a tital if 1,500 irders io the last foaocial year, each with ao aierage
prift if £2k. The Marketog departmeot belieies that seodiog a primitioal caleodar ti iur curreot
aod prispectie custimers wiuld iocrease irders by at least 10% with a mioimum if 10 further
irders frim the list if prispectie custimers withio 12 mioths frim the date if distributio.
The Marketog Directir will be fuodiog the priject frim the busioess marketog budget. She belieies
that the efect if a giid cimpaoy image pirtrayed by a successful caleodar wiuld last ioti a seciod
year. She has firecast the same iocrease io irders fir a seciod year aod predicts that the aooual
empliyee satsfactio suriey will shiw a measurable impriiemeot io staf mirale.
A oumber if alteroaties were explired, iocludiog:
• 20% disciuot fir all repeat custimers - oit cist-efectie aod iery shirt term
• A primitioal caleodar as a free Christmas gif - wiuld target curreot aod prispectie
custimers aod the beoefts wiuld last ioti a seciod year
• A series if teleiisiio aod press adiertsemeots• was tii expeosiie
• A direct mail shit ti all custimers - beoeft wiuld be shirt term
• Creatio if ao ioteroet website - wiuld oit suit all custimers
The caleodar is seeo as the faiired iptio, as liog as the cimpaoy's cimpettirs di oit iocrease
their marketog actiity. Whilst the Marketog departmeot waots a iery high quality, glissy priduct,