U2A4 P6, M4
Budget T- August September possible reasons problems caused possible remed
Shirts for variances by unmonitored for variances
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Budget Actual Vari Budge Actual Varian M4 M4 P6
ance t ce
Sales Revenue 21,000 16,500 4500 21,000 17,000 4000 A They sold less t- If they aren't They need to s
A shirts than making enough more, or foreca
expected or more money from better so they
cheaper t-shirts sales, they won't better able to
than expected and have enough budget for thei
less of the more money to cover sales, (lower
expensive ones. costs and this can other costs) to
result in a loss of able to made a
profit. profit rather tha
a loss.
Purchases of 8,000 9,500 9,000 8,450 550 F Stock may have If they don't They should u
Stock 1500 cost more than purchase enough previous month
A expected, or they stock, they won’t to better budge
may have be able to sell to the amount of
purchased more their full potential. stock they nee
stock than they If they purchase to purchase, o
expected to. In too much stock, not bulk purcha
September, they they may end up stock as much
may have had to with left over they can bette
purchase less stock that they buy only for wh
stock because of cant sell at the full they need.
leftover excess price or at all,
stock from August. which will mean
losing money.
Wages and 3,850 3,600 250 3,850 4,000 150 A Wages were less If they are having They need to
Salaries F than expected, to spend more adjust mor to h