Topic 1 – the motives for crime / what motivates the criminals and their actions
Poetry (8 key quotes – ensure you cover two
Brighton Rock (8 key quotes from across the text)
- ‘When people do one murder, I’ve read MY LAST DUCHESS-
they sometimes have to do another- to - ‘ ‘twas not her husband’s presence
tidy up’ – pg47 only, called that the spot of hoy, into
the Duchess’ cheek’ - 13-15
- ‘He’s running the business in a big way.
A big way- it was like an accusation, a - ‘She had a heart-how shall I say? – too
reminder of the brass bed-stead at soon made glad, too easily impressed’
Frank’s, the crumbs on the mattress.’ - – 22-24
- ‘She liked what’er she looked on, and
- ‘You aren’t big enough for your job, her looks went everywhere’ - 24-25
Brown. You can’t stand against Colleoni’
– pg69 - ‘She ranked my gift of a nine-hundred-
years-old name with anybody’s’ – 32-34
- ‘He had been insulted. He was going to
show the world. They thought because - ‘– E’en then would be some stooping;
he was only seventeen…’ -pg70 and I choose never to stoop’ – 42-43
- ‘-but the others would never let him go:
he knew too much about too many
things.’ -pg88 THE LABORATORY-
- ‘He is with her, and they know that I
- ‘… the memory of Colleoni’s luxury, the know where they are, what they do’ –
crowned chairs at the Cosmopolitan, 5-6
came back to taunt him.’ -pg96
- ‘And Elise, with her head and her
- ‘… he was going to be where Colleoni breast and her arms and her hands,
was now and higher…’ -pg96 should drop dead!’ – 23-24
- ‘She knows a lot. She knows I killed - ‘She’s not little, no minion like me!
Fred.’ -pg221 That’s why she ensnared him’ – 29-30
, Topic 2 – crime as a commentary on, or reflection of, social issues and concerns
Poetry (8 key quotes – ensure you cover two
Brighton Rock (8 key quotes from across the text)
- ‘A mounted policeman came up the PETER GRIMES-
road, the lovely cared-for chestnut - ‘The sum was dealt him, and the slave
beast… like an expensive toy a was bound’ – 66-67
millionaire buys for his children…’ – pg9
- ‘But none inquired how Peter used the
- ‘It never occurred to Hale watching the rope, or -what bruise that made the
policeman pass; he could appeal to him.’ stripling stoop’ – 69-70
– pg9/10
- ‘None reason’d thus- and some, on
- ‘In Nelson Place from which she had hearing cries, said calmly “Grimes is at
emerged like a mole into the daylight of his exercise” – 77-78
Snow’s restaurant and Palace Pier…’ -
pg51 - ‘Much they suspected, but little they
proved, and Peter pass’d untroubled
- ‘I don’t mind you carving each other up and umoved’ – 100-101
in a quiet way…’ – pg69
- ‘Another boy with equal ease was
- ‘… she saw only the Brighton she found, the money granted, and the
knew…’ -pg76 victim bound’ – 102-103
- ‘It’ll be this way the bogies will come, he - ‘Free thou art now! – again shouldst
thought, if they know anything: they thou appear, thou’lt find thy sentence
always reconstruct the crime.’ -pg90 like thy soul, severe’ – 163-164
- ‘You’d better lift that body and put the
wood under it. The police would have a
lot to ask if they found it that way.’ - The Ballad of Reading Gaol-
pg133 - ‘I walked with other souls in pain,
within another ring’ – 19-20
- ‘He thought he had escaped for ever by
the whole length of the parade, and now - ‘When a voice behind me whispered
extreme poverty took him back.’ -pg153 low ‘that fellows got to swing’ ‘ – 23-24
- - ‘For each man kills the thing he loves,
yet each man does not die’ – 53-54
- ‘Who watch him lest himself rob the
prison of its prey’ – 64-65
- ‘We turned the dusty drill’ – 225
- ‘And sweated on the mill’ – 227
- ‘We waited for the stroke of eight: Each
tongue was thick with thirst’ – 368-370