Sarah Hill – 175220 Unit 4: Learning Aim D
Understand how scientific information may be stored and
communicated in a workplace laboratory.
In this report I will be explaining how scientific information is recorded and processed in a
scientific workplace and ensuring it meets the needs of the customers and therefore
ensuring traceability, I will be also explaining how useful scientific information is obtained
from large data sets and the potential issues and benefits that come along with this. Also, I
will be analysing the differences between storage and communication of information in
different scientific workplaces and finally evaluating the challenges that face organizations in
making available large volumes of important scientific information.
Scientific research is the research performed by applying systematic and constructed
scientific methods to obtain, analyse, and interpret data. The primary concern is efficiently
capturing, storing, extracting, processing, and analysing from large sets of data.
Different records that might be kept in a scientific workplace include COSHH records, report
records, scientific data, scientific apparatus records, and personal records. COSHH stands for
the control of substances hazardous to health, these records hold all the information about
harmful chemicals that are present in the scientific laboratory, this is important as it creates
awareness for the harmful chemicals that are around. Stores technicians and whoever is
involved in ordering, storing, and use of these substances should be the only people that
have access to these. Report records are taken when an experiment is underway for
example if a new drug was been trailed all the information on the drug and all the
participants would be in these report records. If these records were to be exposed this
would be a breach of confidentiality with the participants in the trial, therefore making it
unethical. This information can also be noted with scientific data, although scientific data
might be more numbers than what the participant are like, for example, report record might
have old medical records about the participant, whereas scientific data could be how many
people took the new drug compared to people that took the placebo. Report records are
based more on the reports of everything going on, whereas the scientific information is
based solely on the results. Scientific apparatus records are records that have all the
information regarding all the equipment in the laboratories, for example how they are set
up, what could go wrong, and how to use them safely. In a laboratory, these should be
available for everyone to see. Finally, personal records would include allergies and medical
history for employees that work in the laboratory, these should also be kept confidential
and must only be accessed in the case of an emergency. (1).
When completely reports for anything in the laboratory it is important that scientific
terminology is used and understood by all members of the team, this is effective
communication. This can be especially important where research work is done throughout
different countries where language can cause some confusion, although if standard
scientific terms are used this should avoid the confusion. Although when it comes to
, Sarah Hill – 175220 Unit 4: Learning Aim D
meeting the needs of clients the terminology may need to be explained to the client to
ensure they understand the report completely and understand what is been said. (2)
Then working with a lot of data it can be hard to get useful information out of all the data,
this is when an algorithm can be used. An algorithm is a process or set of rules that can be
followed in the calculation that results in the answer. For example, if there was a study
going on with hundreds of participants and to get accurate results an algorithm may be used
to find the common side effects for the drug that is been tested. Also when a scientific
workplace may have a large set of results they can use identification numbers to be able to
track these result, for example when an experiment is complete and there are specimens
from the experiment, they can all be processed with an identification number and then any
changes can be logged through the identification number and then all changes will be in the
same place. An example of this is that everyone in the united kingdom is issued with an
identification number, by typing this number into healthcare computers everything that,
that patients require and all information about past health and medication can be found
through this identification number, this makes it easier when a patient wants medical
treatment multiple doctors can get hold of this information if they need to do so. This
unique identification code means that people can’t say there is someone else, and that
people can only access this information through this code meaning not just anyone has
access to this medical information.
Laboratory information can be stored through management systems such as computer or
the cloud. The main benefits of using a computer and cloud storage include:
- The space needed to store, and computer is less than that is needed to store
paper documents for all patients
- Computer are less of a fire hazard than thousands are pieces of paper
- Data that is stored on a computer or the cloud can be search through quickly
- Records can be access from a number of sites, and from a number of doctors,
with the correct log in information
- Records can be update quickly, meaning there is less chance of technicians using
out of date information
The types of data that might need to be stored for a laboratory include:
- Data produced from research
- Data about staffing levels
- Personal date about the members of staff
- Data about resources and equipment
All date must be kept secure, safe and be able to access when needed. Although with more
organisation using computers to store and process information of clients and patients, there
can be some dangers with using this all the time. These include:
- Someone else may be able to access this information without the correct
- The information not be entirely accurate
- The information could be copied multiple time without anyone knowing
- The information about people may not be in the knowledge of the people
knowing that their information is been stored.