2020 (DISTINCTION*) Pearson BTEC Level
3 Unit 1 Exploring Business Assignment 1
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BTEC Level
3 Unit 1
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Farhaan Muhammad BTEC level 3
Pearson BTEC Level 3 national Foundation Diploma in Business
Unit 1: Exploring Business- Assignment 1
Learning Aim:
A: Explore the features of different businesses and analyse what
makes them successful
B: Investigate how businesses are organised
Assessor: Suzanne Sharples
Assignment title: Features contributing to the
success of contracting businesses
This assignment has been studied for a Public limited company and a non-profit organisation, which
therefore is Tesco PLC and Cancer research UK has been chosen. The characteristics of these two
successful companies will be carefully explored. Therefore, an introduction will be implemented
which will be contrasted with the following ownership and liability, company establishment,
liabilities, purpose and industrial sector of the two companies.
1/A.P1 Explain the features of two contrasting businesses
Cancer Research UK is a non-profit organisation a registered charity. A non-profit
organisation like Cancer Research is an organisation that doesn't receive cash for its owners
has an objective like donating cash to social causes. A non-profit organisation has much
more to do than just make profit.
The characteristics of a non-profit organisation are that it is not based on the concept of
profit making. Although it is certainly a significant consideration to make as much cash as
possible (to have the greatest possible resources to offer individuals in need too). A non-
profit organisation like cancer research is focused on offering as much social assistance as
possible. A non-profit organisation is fun, not for private gain, for the advantage of the
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Farhaan Muhammad BTEC level 3
public. They're not out there to make a profit, so they get additional government support
that includes tax exemption, so they don't have to pay taxes.
The purpose of Cancer Research UK is to provide efficient cancer research and to attempt to
increase awareness. Established in February 2002. Cancer Research UK attempts to define
causes and create prevention, diagnosis, therapy, and cure strategies. The non-profit
organisation was established by forming the campaign for cancer research and the Imperial
Fund for Cancer Research. The organisation per annum reaches around £634.81 million.
Ownership and liability
Cancer research is clearly a non-profit organisation out of the three company sectors
(public, private and non-profit). This means its organisation with the aim of doing something
socially good instead of just making a profit. They are getting funded, raising cash, and
accepting donations.
Cancer research as a UK registered charity, is a charity that works for charitable purposes
and must devote its resources and resources to charitable operations. The charity must be
resident in the United Kingdom and cannot use their revenue to help their trustees. As a
charity, the benefits they receive should not be used for their members ' private use.
There are trustees in a registered charity, such as cancer research, considered as the
equivalent in a public limited company as a shareholder. These trustees form a charity's
governing body. The trustees are the people who make the large choices. They have a legal
function to guarantee that revenue from the organisations is well spent, in the correct
manner, and that any debts are evident. Trustees generally select a board of directors for
charities, which is headed by a chief executive, just like a PLC.
As a registered charity, cancer research is responsible for the misuse of donation money
they are caught. That's the trustees ' job of making sure the money is given to a good cause,
not for personal use or gain. Therefore, another responsibility would be to ensure that for
any reason the organisation is not fined or in trouble. This is the responsibility of the
trustees, as they also regulate the company by the authority. This leads to the liability of the
charity if it went to a loss it would mean losing all of the money which was funded towards
the charity.
The purpose of Cancer Research UK, as a non-profit organisation, is to provide a solution to
the dilemma of life loss through cancer form. Being a globally renowned charity, they can
alternate the lives of so many unfortunate individuals across the entire world. One goal that
UK cancer research has is to provide the world with a secure, cancer-free future. By
providing sustainable programs, public education and multiple campaigns to help raise
awareness, Cancer Research UK is trying to fulfil these goals. By doing all this, they want to
achieve innovative and practical ways of learning from or working with other organisations
on a much wider scale.
The vast advances in the fight against cancer have been recognized by Cancer Research UK.
Less than a quarter of people diagnosed survived in the 1970s, another last 40 years,
survival has more than doubled, a half will know how to survive. The ambition of cancer
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