How will this affect human functioning?
Diet and exercise plan
Age: 15
Name: Stacey Walker
Activity level: Active
Day 1
Breakfast Bread is a great carbohydrate which will fill her up. The egg will
provide protein. The combination will stop the urge for snacking
1 untoasted bread with a poached egg and also aid the body grow and repair itself. Banana provides
energy and is a great source of vitamin c which aids in good
Banana digestion, heart health and blood pressure. Orange juice has vitamin
C which helps skin, gums, bones and teeth.
Glass of orange juice
Fresh tuna, is a source of high-quality protein with almost no fat,
containing all essential amino acids required by the body for growth
Lunch and maintenance of lean muscle tissue. Crisps are not very
nutritional for the body as they are high in fat and have many
Tuna salad baguette calories, however, the exercise she does will help to burn off any
excess. Milkshakes contain calcium, which is good for strong bones
Packet of crisp and teeth, however, some also contain too much fat which could
cause unhealthy changes to your blood vessels and your red blood
Strawberry Milkshake cells. This can be controlled through having sensible amount
followed through with exercise.
Dinner Chicken provides protein which helps your body to maintain
muscle mass and also helps you to build muscle. Chips are filling
Chicken steak with chips but not nutritional, if having fried option they should be had
occasionally as too much fat can increase cholesterol and obesity.
Mixed vegetables Vegetables are important sources of many nutrients, including
potassium, dietary fibre, folate (folic acid), vitamin A, and vitamin
Cake and custard C. Diets rich in potassium may help to maintain healthy blood
pressure. Cake and custard are high in sugar and calories, but a
Snacks small portion incorporated into the diet is fine as the body does
need sugar and fats.
Vanilla yoghurt with fruit pot
Yoghurt is a great source of calcium. It's Rich in Important
Nutrients. Yogurt contains some of nearly every nutrient that your
body needs. It's High in Protein. Fruits are sources of many
essential nutrients that are under consumed, including potassium,
dietary fibre, vitamin C, and folate (folic acid). Potassium rich diets
Water help maintain blood pressure. Water throughout day to stay
Exercise Dance class will allow her to burn off excess calories and also keep
the body healthy by promoting lungs and heart to work faster and
1-hour dance class use up excess energy.
Diet and exercise plan How will this affect human functioning?
, Age: 15
Name: Stacey Walker
Activity level: Active
Day 2 Oats provide are a good source of vitamins, minerals, fibre and
antioxidants, they also keep you full so you do not feel the need to
Breakfast snack before lunchtime. Banana provides energy and is a great
source of vitamin c which aids in good digestion, heart health and
Oats porridge with banana and honey blood pressure. Pineapple juice is great for boosting immune
system and inflammation it also strengthens gums and
Glass of pineapple juice
promotes healthy digestion.
Fish fingers with beans and oven chips Fish is a low-fat high quality protein filled with omega-3 fatty acids
and vitamins. Oven chips are better than fried, they are great at
Cake and custard filling, however, do not provide much nutrition. Beans have protein
which aids in growth and repair within the body. Cake and custard
Water are high in sugar and fat, however, her gymnastics will help to
balance it out. Water is essential to keep hydrated.
Chicken provides protein which helps your body to maintain
Chicken noodles with vegetables muscle mass and also helps you to build muscle. Spaghetti is a
dietary source of vitamins, minerals and fibre which aids in blood
Garlic bread sugar regulation, digestion and immunity. Bread is high in carbs but
will help fill you up, garlic on the other hand is known to stimulate
Glass of coke the immune system, help regulate blood sugar levels and help
prevent heart disease. Coke has a lot of sugar so too much of this is
definitely not good for the body, however, alongside one meal is
fine as long as there is not a large amount of sugar in the
Snacks individuals diet.
Break time : Toast The carbohydrates from the bread will keep her full if she feels
hungry between breakfast and lunch.
Lunchtime: Yoghurt with fruit
The yoghurt will provide calcium to strengthen teeth and bones.
Water throughout the day
Water is essential for her to have throughout the day to stay
hydrated and especially through her exercise session.
Exercise Exercise will help to use up energy and aid in burning off any
excess fat from the food intake throughout the day to keep the body
1 hour gymnastics 5-6pm healthy. It will also help the heart and lungs to stay healthy.