Enquiry Question 3CS: Global
Governance in Afghanistan
Context: Afghanistan:
2001 – The Taliban in control of 90% of country. 2013 –Human Development Index 0.468
After that the fundamentalist (strict religion is (169th out of 187 countries) . Infant Mortality
followed) gov was overthrown by USA and its Rate 117 per 1000 live births. 5.8% of women
allies. But the Taliban are resurging (getting over 25 got secondary education. 65% of
more power over time) especially in the south. 30.5mill population has to live on less than $2
However Taliban = violation of Human R. a day, most are employed in agriculture.
2014 – NATO troops complete their mission.
10,000 forces remain to train afghan military. Consequences:
May 2015 – Meeting with afghan officials and
Afghan gov is supported by international
Taliban reps, steps towards negotiated peace.
organisations to help w/ community
2016 – Attacks still continue. Taliban won’t stop
until all foreign troops have left. 2014 – 6 mill kids in school (1 mill in 2001),
40% of these grls, access to health care
Human Right Breaches: 50%+ (2003 9%), Maternal Mortality Rate has
With this period of renewed insurgency halved since 2001, life expectancy
(uprising) there have been more breaches of increased from 55 (2000) to 61 (2013).
human rights.
↑ casualties afghan security forces & civilians
Domestic violence towards women and
continued inequality in access to jobs, health
services & schools.
Disruption of the 2014 presidential election, 2
presidential candidates agreed to share power
Attacks on journalists & repressed freedom of
Extra-judicial (not legally authorised)
Kidnaping, detentions & torture
Illegal drugs, ↑poppy cultivation & heroin
HR Protection Organisations :
UN in Afghanistan – UNAMA was established by Security Council in 2002 to get peace &
development. They was interacting with UN High Commissioner for HR, Afghan gov & NGOs to
strengthen the Afghan Independent HR Commission. Their aims are to: promote respect for
international humanitarian & HR laws; coordinate w/ organisations and communities to ensure
protection, promote responsibility; giving freedom & HR in afghan to all especially women,
displaced ppl (estimated 750,00) and refugees that return.
Afghan Gov – joined Economic Cooperation Organisation & South Asian Association for Regional
Cooper to help promote economic growth. Passed laws; Law on the Duties, Structures of the
Independent Elections Commission (elections like America, helps improve democratic progress) &
Elimination of Violence against Women law of 2009. Attempts to pass a law to remove the limit of
num of women in Afghan Parliament. These laws all help with the socio-economic development.
Afghan Aid (NGO) – 100s of NGOs do registered work in afghan. Afghan aid is just an example, it is
involved in sustainable rural development strategies (e.g clean water) . More eg. are Action Aid,
CARE international, IRC and the ICRC, each of these tend to specialise in particular aspects of
Japanese gov – funding helps upgrade neighbourhoods in 33 provincial capitals and Kabul
Community Development Councils – 200 -250 households decide the basis of the development
projects. CDC 11 in District 5, Jalalabad has 2657 residents living in 296 households; they’re all
locally elected and mixed gender. The plans submitted reflect specific needs of the area e.g
electricity, sanitation, schools, healthcare. They can also offer more involvement for women.
, Enquiry Question 3CS: Migration from Northern Africa to Europe
Italy: Sometimes the wooden boats can
Migration Policies:
More crime (drugs, prostitution) collapse and sink, which results in deaths
out at sea. In June 2013, 500 bodies were Before the 2012 civil war there was a pact
Libyans don’t pay tax
found along the coast of Sicily. between Italy and Libya to stop migration.
Conflict against locals and migrants
This collapsed that year and resulted in
Unemployment for locals who are
mass touirism.
younger and skilled
Increase in population
Homeless levels increase, which effects
attractiveness and tourism
Impacts local businesses Left with an ageing, unskilled
Good reputation for the country population
Fills job gaps Population decrease
Italy PULL Factors Life expectancy is 47
Life expectancy 80
Population growth of 2.8%
Population growth 0.3%
Closest European country to Libya 2012 Civil War
Better employment / tourism 5% have HIV between 16 and 35
Peaceful country with no conflict years
Better quality of life Little school and healthcare
Healthcare / Education
Refugees are allowed in but economic
migrants are sent back Solutions:
EU Countries share refugees 23,000 Libyans
Increased sea patrols in the Italian Navy travelled to Italy
The migrants may seek to settle Greater border controls in Libya in 2012.
elsewhere and will continue to Illegal migrants are sent to a detention centre
migrate illegally.
, What is a place profile? What evidence can you use to show how places have changed over time?
Why do people have different perceptions of
How does the time-space compression affect how Unit 2:
people feel about places?
Spaces, Making