LEARNING AIM D: review personal development of scientific skills for
laboratory work
What are skills? To have skills means to have the ability to do something well
and expertise. Skills are very crucial for the scientific experiments; these skills
also help in future whether it is for a job or for daily life. Skills are improved
and personal development and achievement can take place. Skills helps to limit
the possible errors that can be caused while carrying out the experiment. by
doing experiments it is possible to evaluate the work and developing skills
which can be used during other experiments. The skills required for laboratory
work are: to have good teamwork, time management, written and
communication skills, analytical skills and many more. These skills can help me
in future for a job like laboratory technician, scientists and many other
professions. We track skills as part of appraisal in jobs and for me it will be
required in year 13.
Working in laboratory or science related industries requires a suitable set of
skills, personal qualities and attitude from potential employees. If working in
laboratory or science related industries it is essential to have list of abilities;
such as, to follow safety procedures and safety checks, improving the reliability
in practical activities, to use computer to calculate, to perform graphs,
research and communication, to be able to use laboratory equipment
effectively and record the results accurately.
At the moment, I have multiple attributes which are vital during performing
the experiments, these attributes were applicable in the experiments that we
performed, and I applied during the experiments that were performed in the
Good teamwork
Careful attention to detail
Analytical skills
Following the strict safety procedure
Excellent communication and written skills
Time management
There are four personal responsibilities which are the most fundamental
characteristics needed by people working in science related industries.
Work to appropriate standards and protocols
Apply safe working practices
Take responsibility for completing tasks and procedures and to make
judgement within defined parameters
To accept the responsibility for the quality of own work
Work to appropriate standards and protocols
It is important to have essential knowledge for laboratory works, such as, the
knowledge about the use of equipment, disposing the waste like chemicals,
using glassware properly and correctly and many other things.
Personally, I had the knowledge about the equipment and how to use them,
some equipment was new for me and some equipment used before. In the
first experiment of titration, I had difficulties to understand the use of the
equipment but later after learning and researching about the different
equipment, it was easier to perform experiment. I knew the use of the
equipment but did not know the scientific name given for each of them; such
as pipette, I knew it is used for taking the volumes of solutions when accuracy
of a single volume is required. Therefore, the knowledge about each
equipment needs to be researched in order to understand the experiments
and use of equipment. I knew about how important it is to carefully and
correctly use the glass equipment as it can break, and this equipment are very
expensive. The disposal of waste of something I was not aware about during
the experiment, but after the instructions and learning given by the teacher, I
readily understood.
In the laboratory work, there is requirement to stick strictly to the instructions
when performing the experiment and investigations is most important as a
direct result of the material and the equipment used and the abundance of
chemical products which are used in reactions. It is important to make sure
that a formal standard operating procedure are present so that it can be used
for reference and training purposes.
Application of safe working practices
It is important to have safe working practices at workplace. There has been
health and safety at work act which was introduced in 1974 in UK. These
regulation and laws were produced by the health and safety executive which
were designed to stop death, injury and ill health for those who work. This
health and safety at work act is made to perform the duties safely and