Name of the Teacher Date Level of the class Length of lesson
Fiona 24/01/22 Elementary A1 60 minutes
Lesson Type
Lesson Topic: Hobbies and interests
Lesson Aims: Lesson Outcomes:
By the end of the lesson, students will be better able to… By the end of the lesson, students will have…
Discussed in groups their likes/dislikes of the activities suggested
Identify and use ten new verbs related to the topic: hobbies and by the target vocabulary (TV).
Target vocabulary:
Drive, run, shop, read, swim, cook, fish, draw, dance, cycle.
Anticipated difficulties: Suggested solutions:
1. Pronunciation and understanding of the gerund form (ing 1. Drilling. Checking each student can clearly pronounce all 10
ending) of verbs. Chinese students often have difficulty with words. Words introduced firstly in infinitive (e.g., draw)
r sound. Therefore any TV with containing the letter r then in present participle (drawing). Demonstrate how r
should be highlighted as being a potential difficulty. sounds in TV containing letter r (driving, running, reading,
2. In group work a more confident student may dominate over
a less confident peer. Consideration of student age range 2. I will personally choose which student relates answers and
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(young adults- more mature) comes into play here. e.g., ensure that no one is left out thus ensuring all students
more mature student might display more confidence and have equal lesson input.
potentially take over.
3. I will consider whether students are struggling and reflect
3. Ten new vocabulary words may be too many for students to on whether teaching 7 words in class and using the
remember at once. remaining 3 in some homework would be more suitable.
Language analysis:
Language Item Meaning of the How you will Concept Checking Grammatical form Pronunciation
item present meaning Questions
Example: Example: Example: Example: Example: Example:
huge very big, enormous using a picture of a mouse What’s the opposite of huge? Strong adjective / hjuːdʒ/
and an elephant to show Name a huge mountain.
large size
1. Drive/ driving to operate a Show a picture of Ask individuals, “Can verb /draɪv/
vehicle various vehicles e.g., you drive?”
car, bus, van, Mime Student response,
steering a wheel “Yes/no I can/`t drive”.
while saying, “I am
2. Run/ running to move using Show a picture of Ask students, “Do you verb /rʌn/
your legs, going someone running. like running?”
faster than when Mime activity while Student response, “Yes
saying gerund I like/ no I don`t like
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you walk phrase, “I like running”.
like running”.
Nodding head and
smiling. Then shake
head, frown and
mime “I don`t like
3. Shop/shopping to buy things using Show pictures of Show students a verb /ʃɒp/
money e.g. grocery people shopping in picture of man pushing
shopping differing scenarios. supermarket trolley,
Say phrases “I Ask, “Is he shopping?”
like/don`t like Student response, “Yes.
shopping.” He is shopping”.
Show students picture
of couple with
shopping bags. Ask,
“Are they shopping?”.
Student response, “Yes.
They are shopping.”
4. Read/reading Show student picture Ask students” Is she verb
to look at and of woman reading running?” Student /riːd/
understand the while saying “I can response. “No, she is
meaning of read”. “I like reading.”
written or printed reading.”
words or symbols Alternatively pick up
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