Wake Technical Community College
Mathematics & Physics Department Mathematics & Sciences Division
Fall 2020
Course Syllabus
MAT 272 Calculus II Credit: 4 hours
Sections: 5004 & 5005 Contact: 5 hours
This course is designed to develop advanced topics of differential and integral calculus. Emphasis is placed on the
applications of definite integrals, techniques of integration, indeterminate forms, improper integrals, infinite series,
conic sections, parametric equations, polar coordinates, and differential equations. Upon completion, students should
be able to select and use appropriate models and techniques for finding solutions to integral-related problems with and
without technology.
Allocation of Lab Time
The two hours designated for lab activities in Calculus II will be integrated seamlessly within the five hours of contact
MAT 271 with a C or better. Students who have not met the prerequisite(s) may not remain registered for this course.
Talk with the instructor about possible issues. This course is necessary to advance to MAT 273.
Required Textbook
Stewart - Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 8th Ed WebAssign Student Access Kit
ISBN 9781337771467 (single term) OR 9781337771474 (See course Blackboard shell for additional information)
Required Technology
An enhanced scientific calculator such as the TI-36X Pro is required for this course. Technology with graphing capability,
such as a TI-84 or TI-89 or an internet enabled device (with software such as Geogebra, Desmos or Wolfram Alpha), is
required for class activities and homework. WebAssign will be used in this course and access to it should be purchased.
This course has been listed as a web-assisted course. The instructor will utilize email and the Internet to provide
students with material necessary for success in this course.
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, this section of MAT 272 will be fully online. Students enrolling in this course should have a working computer with the ability to
download and install software (this means that a Chromebook or similar style computer will not be enough). Students are required to have access to a webcam
and microphone and to install online proctoring software for major assignments. Students are also required to have reliable internet access with speed of at least
1 MB Download and Upload. All Online, Hybrid, and Blended classes begin with a Course Entry Quiz (CEQ). Completing the required CEQ is the way students show
that they have started the class. Students may login to Blackboard and complete the CEQ once the semester begins or any time before the due date posted in the
course announcement in Blackboard. Students in online, hybrid, and some blended courses may be required to complete tests or assignments with a proctor at a
Wake Tech eLearning Testing Center or an approved proctor location. Click here to learn more about Wake Tech's distance education policies. Due to the COVID-
19 pandemic, this fall 2020 course will now be conducted completely online. Additional information will follow from the corresponding department assigned to
this course. You may also receive additional information from the instructor via email or Microsoft Teams.
Your Instructor
Your instructor is a valuable resource in any course that you take. You are always welcome to come to office hours. Do
not wait until you are struggling to contact your instructor for help:
Name: Tom Aydlett Phone: 919-532-5632
Location: ND 455 E-mail: tjaydlett@waketech.edu
Preferred method of communication: E-mail
Office Hours: Virtual office hours via Microsoft Teams (MWF 10-11am, TTh 7-8am)
, Last Day to Withdraw Without Penalty
The college attendance policy, as stated in the General Catalog, will be followed. The last day to withdraw from a class
without a penalty is October 26, 2020. If you attend class beyond that date, you will get a grade of A, B, C, D, F, WF, or
WP as outlined in the division's policy document. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain a course withdrawal
form, get it signed by the appropriate people (including the instructor) and submit it to the registrar. You may read the
entire Withdrawal Policy and Attendance Policy on the math department website (opens in new window) [plain text:
Class Cancellation:
If for any reason this class does not meet for all required minutes, class time will be made up via out-of-class
assignment(s). Details will be clearly explained on Blackboard.
Tests and Exams
There will be four regular tests given during the semester and a comprehensive final exam. Students will be allowed to
use the TI-36X Pro scientific calculator on these assessments. Graphing calculators and phone apps will not be allowed.
Students will be given a designated amount of time to complete all tests. The time will begin when the tests have been
passed out. Students who come in tardy will not be given additional time. There will be NO MAKE-UP allowed on any
missed test, however, the final exam percentage score may be used to replace the lowest regular test score.
Students must complete all tests and exams independently, without help from any other person or group. Using any
resources or materials that are not allowed on an exam is a violation of Academic Integrity Agreement and will result
in a zero on the test and a referral to the Office of Student Conduct. If an academic integrity violation is suspected,
your instructor may select some problems from any test to ask a student to explain verbally, 1-on-1, either on the
phone or through MS Teams which will be recorded. If a student is unwilling or unable to correctly explain their
approach to any of those problems, the student may be assigned a score of zero for the test and will be referred to
the Office of Student Conduct.
Homework, Labs & Quizzes
Homework will be assigned on topics listed on the course schedule found below. These assignments are the minimum
amount of work that students should do daily. Graded homework will be given via WebAssign. Other graded homework
assignments may be assigned in class as well. Completing each day’s assignment is essential for success in the course.
Periodic quizzes may be given throughout the semester. Students who arrive after quizzes are handed out will not
receive additional time. Quizzes must be handed in when the instructor calls time. There are also numerous labs for this
course; these are designed to help reinforce the concepts covered. Assignments and labs due for a grade MUST be
turned in as directed by your instructor in order to receive credit – late work is not accepted. No extra credit is provided.
Grading System
Due to the ever-changing situation with COVID19 and actions impacted by the Fall2020 NC Phases of re-opening,
proctoring of major assessments and weighting of grades may be impacted. As on-campus and other proctoring
options become available during FA20, proctored exams will be weighted more heavily. Students will be informed in
a timely manner via Blackboard Announcements of any updates.
Grading will be on a 10-point scale. The final average for this course will be determined as follows:
Grade = 0.15(WebAssign) + 0.30(Labs/Quizzes/Projects) + 0.40(Tests) + 0.15(Final Exam)